Just In
for A Real Love Story

10/12/2006 c1 5Lizzy-Lou
Well, this, like I've already said, is very good. Nicely done. As usual.
10/10/2006 c1 4Imalefty
aw, this is so sweet. i really like your one shot- so fluffy. : )

the story really does reflect that quote, especially since the last scene makes me want more. the story didn't really END, it just... kept going. good job!

10/9/2006 c1 17angels and effects
Aww, this is too sweet! A little cliched, yes, but who doesn't like a cliche? Plus the fact that I love the names you used - Landon's always been one of my favourite names for a guy, LOL. What I like about this is the emotion you portray throughout the story. You could have done with a longer flashback and how they got together... but hey, one-shots are supposed to be short and sweet. Not that mine are though... ok I'm talking crap, haha!

One thing I noted - you used 'softly' two times in the beginning. It's good to use some variety. Just something I found a little weird, but it's ok like that too :)

And I LOVE that quote! Very true. Well, great one-shot here, write some more of them and I think they'll be good too! :)
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