Just In
for When I Fall

3/10/2007 c1 14alluring lies

everytime i come so damn close to crying, this is

just a wonderful but sad piece koki-chan!

great work~
10/10/2006 c1 63silentscreamer07
o my bob! This was amazing! It was so sad though! You really brought the emotion out in this poem, and you did beautifully with it! You had great flow, and the rhyming was very smooth, it didn't seem forced, and it wasn't over exaggerated to the point where it distracted from your poem. This was so sad, and I'm glad you posted it. Really, b/c I have so many friends who are going through a situation like this, and it helps me to see through your poem, how they may feel. You wrote about this differently than anyone I've ever known has. Splendid job! *keep writing*

and I read your bio..take that off! this wasn't "crappy teen poetry" at all! It was excellent writing, and I hope we see you improve in your writing the more and more you post on here :D I look forward to it! *keep writing* this was excellent! True talent!


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