Just In
for Silence

3/19/2007 c1 6midnightdee
very touching.
10/25/2006 c1 5Pokey831
Wow. Stories like this always get to me, and this one was no exception. It was very well written.
10/21/2006 c1 10leighala
this story is very touching and actually expresses the condition that we, as the next generation, have to suffer at. racism is actually a big problem...-sigh-

omg, i just re-read wat i wrote and i was lyk "woah..i sound so mature"...lol

keep on writing

10/21/2006 c1 2Bloodflower
You have no idea how touching this is, both content- and style-wise. I do wonder where those five marks more you OUGHT to have gotten for this piece went!

Well done! You've written a piece that creates introspection. If literature is art, and art is supposed to make people look inside themselves, then this - although it's a short exam piece - falls into the category of literature. :)
10/19/2006 c1 4Angelic Brunette Hermione
That was . . . amazing.

Words can't describe how chillingly scary it was. But you did an excellent job.


10/19/2006 c1 28Wings As Eagles
I think this is a good depiction of racism in another country...it's important to realize that it is extreme in other places - that racism in the U.S. is sad but at least it's "under control".

This is a touching essay...good job!

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