Just In
for Subtle Changes

9/2/2013 c5 Guest
Oh, he said it...:) Love!
9/2/2013 c4 Guest
Oh...no. not so perfect anymore, I guess.
9/2/2013 c3 Guest
Loving it so far.
9/1/2013 c2 Guest
They're actually really cute...
9/1/2013 c1 Guest
Great chapter.
8/26/2013 c21 naiveastronaut
Hi there. I just finished reading this story and I have to say that this is Beautiful. It makes me want to have a best friend like Brent who would stick with you through thick and thin. Who will love and accept you for who you are. Actually, this story reminds me of me and my guy best friend but sadly things are complicated between us now :(

Anyway, this is a simple yet sweet story. The friendship is genuine and it's just amazing. It's well written, from the flashbacks of how they became friends until the wedding. To make this short, you are an amazing writer. Thank you for making this story :)
8/19/2013 c13 1UnSospiro
I don't usually review, and this story was written so long ago so you might not even see this review, but I just had to say something!
This story is truly beautiful. I mean, it's rough and could use a little editing, but none of that detracts from this great story. It's so simple, like Annie, and it's pretty straight to the point. I feel like the characters have gotten the perfect amount of development, and you've made them so natural and lovable.
The ending of this chapter is what really made my heart clench. The whole thing about the stars connecting people, no matter what distance, really speaks to me. This story is just so pure and innocent, I love it!
You've done a great job. I don't want this story to end...
8/1/2013 c6 8whatdotheydream
Awwww, lol, that was SOOOO cute, and, and gaaaaaahhh... .
8/1/2013 c3 whatdotheydream
Wow, they're just too cute for words! I love this!
8/1/2013 c2 whatdotheydream
Aww, the last part has me crying! I love this story.
7/28/2013 c21 dreeming
Gosh, this was beyond cute. Totally fell in love with your characters. The plot was kinda on the cliche/unbelievable side, in the sense of, unexpected/ unfortunate events happened all at once out of nowhere, and then were resolved fairly quickly (I thought it would've taken at least another week after the hand-twitch for him to wake? Maybe.), but was still sweet. But your main characters, oh so much love for both of them!
6/18/2013 c21 crushergoddess
this was just the sweetest, most wonderful story i've read in a long time! i loved it! i almost cried it was so sweet :') good job.
6/15/2013 c21 Derpina96
wow i'm really impressed this isn't my type of story i mean i usually read story where the protagonist is a misfit or a wallflower or usually a nerd bookish kind of girl but i loved anna she's really sweet and ... i just loved it thank you
1/17/2013 c21 Aspired Writer
Oh my god, that was absolutely beautiful! The relationship between Brent and Aubrianne was incredible and I loved watching it unfold. You are a truly talented writer and I just wanted to say thanks for sharing this wonderful story with us.

Brent & Aubrianne 3

(They are definitely one of my favorite FP couples)

Aspired Writer.
1/16/2013 c21 Mary P
After reading the entire story, I'm left gobsmacked at finally finding something unexpectedly great - thank you for a wonderful read and sharing your gift of words!
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