Just In
for When a Rose Blooms in December

1/1/2007 c15 orangecandyy
OMG..She's starting to have feelings for him! Haha and I love your whole in-depth description of Dante. Sounds really hot!

And I'm kinda liking Norah less now...just because she was dissing Tennis! (Just so you know, I love tennis so yeah...kinda getting irked by it) But I still love your story nonetheless!

And a Happy New Years to you too!
1/1/2007 c15 1soFresh'likepomegranate
ah now she's got all those lovely feelings of liking dante

and they're all spiffed up looking nice and fabulous for the dance

i think some mauling of the eyes should be going on between the two XD dante has something up his sleeves for ella i hope?

2007! happy new year!
1/1/2007 c15 Lena Niccolas
I liked it. Keep updating!
1/1/2007 c15 1Gwyn Baranof
Now, Norah is admitting(sort of) her feelings. I think this next chapter is going to be very, very interesting.

I have seriously got nothing else to say. This was an amazing chapter. Leading-wise. So, I hope you do not disappoint. Just kidding.
1/1/2007 c15 13Karolmac
I LOVE THIS CHAPTER. MAN I CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT. Haha sorry about caps I wanted it to show my amazingly happiness over this chapter. It was described so well. Thats good to know its not over yet:) ahah Beautiful chapter, xx

12/31/2006 c8 2DynamicEquilibrium
That's real sweet. Her character balances pretty well. I didn't completely understand the whole Ella thing, but that's probably coming up later.

:)Good one.
12/31/2006 c14 23Kaede Kitsurani
^.^ Nice chapter. Can't wait til next one. Happy New Year to you as well.
12/31/2006 c7 2DynamicEquilibrium
Aww, how sweet. And nice character thing with Claire. I don't get why she just spit it out, though.

Not bad.
12/31/2006 c6 DynamicEquilibrium
What? Dante's human? Amazing.

Not overdone, pace seems fine.

Good chap.
12/31/2006 c5 DynamicEquilibrium
What a stalker!

Quiz thing was a bit overdone, but the dramatic irony was, to say the least, dramatic.

Duh duh duh, great jobb.
12/31/2006 c4 DynamicEquilibrium
“You’re not gay, are you?” I asked him suspiciously, my eyes narrowing.

Favorite line, right there. And not so bad on the jump in time, either. Like I said, you set it up well.
12/31/2006 c3 DynamicEquilibrium
I loved how you capatalized Dreams and Fate. It adds subtle detail. And the lack of detail in some places leave for the reader to make their own connections, so good on you.
12/31/2006 c2 DynamicEquilibrium
The plot seems to be very flexible, and it's good you've created the space to be able to skip ahead when you need it, or slow down and prolong events, too.

Like the change in perspectives. Great jobb.
12/31/2006 c1 DynamicEquilibrium
I like. It's interesting and fun, and I can almost see the smile on your face when you write the wicked-ness that's bund to befall this poor heroine(who's pretty stuck-up). I like the characters. Norah comes across as arrogant, but hell-arrogant people are so much fun to write and read about.
12/30/2006 c14 2Southern Belle of the Ball
NO! It was just getting to something good! and what's with Dante not defending her? He soo could of stopped the whole fight! aHH! I want more! :) gd job btw
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