Just In
for When a Rose Blooms in December

10/29/2006 c1 2EeeNAce
ahaha i must say that it is really cliche, but we all love cliches . =) Nicely written, and so far, likeable characters.
10/29/2006 c5 Two Skips
Awesome story & chapter. I love and hate your cliff hanger! Update soon=)
10/28/2006 c4 9SolisLuna
Awesome story, update soon.
10/28/2006 c4 alicia
oh thats a cliffhanger i realli enjoy reading this story keep it up
10/28/2006 c4 orangecandyy
Aw...now how is Dante gonna react to that confession. Man...I hope you update soon! This story sounds really interesting!
10/28/2006 c4 Your Passion
Ah! Dante is going to get jealous I can see it now! I so can't wait for the next chapter. Is Norah going to transform or stay the same way?

Update soon!

10/28/2006 c4 Kiss of the Oblivious
Gah, Oh my gosh great chapter. Oh, and i forgot to review for chapter number 3. Sorry =(. He he Braden said he thinks he likes Norah. That made me giggle for some strang reason.
10/28/2006 c2 bananasplit
good chapter
10/28/2006 c1 Bananasplit
i like it so far. : )
10/28/2006 c4 wittynamehere
wow I love where this is going, now they can be together and Dante can be Jelous! I have no complaints, none whatsoever so please Please PLEASE, update soon!
10/28/2006 c4 Luv-TU
loved it! update soon!
10/28/2006 c4 Aznbeez
yay...make them get together! then Dante can get jealous! LOL...maybe you should have a dance or a formal or something where braden asks norah to it. She then dresses up for him and dante sees that she's really pretty and starts to fall for her...could you do that plz? anyway...i reaLLY like ur story and i hope you keep writing...! plz update!

10/27/2006 c3 Your Passion
Ha! I love it. What is Braden going to stay about this? hehe Please update soon. BTW you're a fast updatrer, I like it!

10/27/2006 c3 Two Skips
Awesome story! I love it! Update as soon as humanly possible =)
10/27/2006 c3 17angels and effects
Haha, I have to say that this is a cute story. Some authors get put off when someone says that their story is cute, so I hope you don't... I like the interaction between Dante and Nora, it's lighthearted and it just carries a natural sort of air. The idea of a tutor is kind of common to tell the truth, but I'm not one to comment on that, seeing as I have a pending story based on tutoring too. Seeing how it's been progressing, I have to say this: why the HECK does Nora like Braden? I see almost zilch interaction between them, and it seems like there's a lot more chemistry between Dante and Nora. I shan't let my liking of the name Dante get between that, haha...

Anyhow, there were several parts that made me laugh out loud, so kudos to you for that :) dark green eyes sound so hot! Green eyed guys are like... whoo, Channing Tatum :D

Um ok, so don't leave us hanging there, WHAT IS BRADEN GOING TO SAY? (to tell the truth, I don't like that name. Or maybe it's just me) UPDATE SOON!
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