Just In
for When a Rose Blooms in December

2/1/2008 c1 19Vinyl Cupcake
This story was so incredible.

I sat on my butt and read this straight through. I didn't even eat dinner, which is a big thing for me. =b

I can't wait to read more of your writing, and don't forget to keep up the incredible work! =D
2/1/2008 c6 1sessluver
Dante is way better than Braden... Silly Norah. Sigh, I would continue but I have tuition now. Can't wait to read on!
1/31/2008 c24 1Aury03395
Amazing! This story is just so wonderful. It definitely is beautiful. Thanks for making it!

1/28/2008 c26 4writerinsanity
i love this story. I can't wait for the end. and any award that you are given you defiantly deserved it. ^-^
1/22/2008 c26 iLoveFiction
ooh You really deserve to win an award for this amazing story, you were always faithful and updated the story frequently. I'm definitley vote for you, I'll even create a reminder in my e-mail account to reminding to vote for this story! =D
1/17/2008 c26
*goes to vote*

funnily enough my friend said she nominated my story (cause shes a sweetie like that) but it hasn't appeared, i feel very unloved. :]

hope you feel better soon. can't wait for more

1/16/2008 c26 2artistic dreamer
CONGRATULATIONS! i'm gonna go vote for you! hope you win!
1/16/2008 c26 23Kaede Kitsurani
Congrats! =D
1/16/2008 c26 Hazelnut Romance
Congratulations! When a Rose Blooms in December is a really good story so I wouldn't be suprised!
1/16/2008 c1 4i-luv-smoothies
I can't believe I haven't found this story before. Great. I love this.
1/15/2008 c25
argh adored.

cannot wait for brendon's story. he is wonderful.

1/13/2008 c1 littlemelonatplay
i laughed really hard reading this, it was so hilarious! the only part i dont really like is how much she dislikes german, which happens to be my favorite language. however, thats only my small opinion out of the worlds population, so im already outnumbered. anyway, just thought you did great in writing this. i hope she ends up with Dante and NOT Braden.
1/11/2008 c13 Leaving Fictionpress
Not bad, I like the development in this chapter. One thing, though: About half-way through, Norah says that something is "Quelle obvious." "Quelle" is French for "what." I think you meant "très," which translates to "very." Sort of minor, I know...anyway, I'm going to finish this and go look for the new version!
1/7/2008 c1 Hazelnut Romance
i like it!
12/24/2007 c24 4love addict
NICE ONE :)) Haha, let me know by the time you change you penname :)) Godspeed :))
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