Just In
for evenings at the internet café

1/29/2007 c2 91fairytale failure
The russian and british were my favourites by far. I love the similes in chapter two (you're like an exhale/on a below-zero degrees day) And the british one was very real, reminds me of someone I know :) great job! but stopped dreaming of...what?
12/6/2006 c6 acccountkiller
Lol, I LOVE all this! The poems made me smile so much, they're so cute...I loved the British one particularly..so fun to read, and so well written! Great job! Love, Mia
12/6/2006 c6 35The Fourth Fate
Don't get me wrong, I loved the other five pieces but this was by a LONG strecth my favorite. This one was so real, with details and the passage of time, the inconstance of routine, the gone before we got it... I suppose the whole collection is a bit cliche, this is too, but it's for the better. Romance is cliche. You've done an excellent job in bringing both to eloquent life.
12/6/2006 c5 The Fourth Fate
Hmm. I like it. It's sad though. I feel like two people who aren't on the same intellectual level can't truly be happy together but I guess if he sees the stars, it'll prove me wrong. I love it all the same though and I think it's great how this chapter title is "dreaming" of all things.
12/6/2006 c4 The Fourth Fate
I love the contrast of the winter heart and the california smile. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside due in part to the hopeful, open ended closing. This is a very cute collection of poetry. It's also unlike anything else I've ever seen. I super heart it.
12/6/2006 c3 The Fourth Fate
Hah. Cliche for sure but cute. I like the stringy hair. I'm picturing the Arctic Monkeys right now. And Oliver twist... haha adorable.
12/6/2006 c2 The Fourth Fate
I've actually tried catching my breath when it's cold outside. I'm guessing if the Russian boy is truly like that, he'll prove just as hard to hold on to. I love the incorporation of history and nature in this. Normally, I'm the stick straight to romance and cookie cutters but this was very unique and I can definately appreciate that.
12/6/2006 c1 The Fourth Fate
Aw this is sweet. I'm liking the feel good feeling. Beautiful. I love what you did with the chapter titles. I've never seen that done before and it's genious. The imagery in this piece (and I'm sure the rest of the collection) was outstanding and vivid. Bravo.

Oh and I'm kinda in love with your pen name.
12/3/2006 c6 a lonely september
aw... this one seems to mean the most. there's just so much to it, and it's so goddamn pretty. i love it. wonderful. :)
12/3/2006 c5 a lonely september
oh so nice. i love the star thing. 'because all the ones you don't see / would tell you how much you mean to me' that makes you think.
12/3/2006 c4 a lonely september
aw. that's the major thing i thought cos it's just so sweet. the warming winter hearts and... god, it's so sweet.
12/3/2006 c3 a lonely september
ohgod this hit me most. cos i went to london this summer and met a gorgeous british boy. it was marijuanalove. and i love this. the way you describe him makes me smile. he wasnt exactly like this, but it still made me smile. and it made me so happy. . . . this is .gorgeous.
12/3/2006 c2 a lonely september
this is gorgeous once again . ilovelove. 'you're like an exhale on a below-zero degrees day' wow.
12/3/2006 c1 a lonely september
this is so gorgeous. have you been to these countries? i like how you described this boy, and how you described how he would be to take your heart.
11/4/2006 c6 65Aquafied
how partially tragic

i like the realism in this one

my favorite so far
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