Just In
for Misconception REWRITE

4/28/2008 c18 Eternity's Ink
Almost lost my attention to the story, but then I remembered how good this is. update soon!

4/27/2008 c18 1free2love92
great post! glad your back, i missed reading this story!
4/25/2008 c18 4Eresan
Lurak give me a bad impression.

I hope Christian and Alexis would be together in the end.

Hope you update soon but don't rush it. ^_^
4/25/2008 c18 mzkit10
noo! it ended!. Please update soon. I will promise cokies ..annd chocolate fudge. :D

4/23/2008 c18 1TheQuilAndInk
Still Amazing

can't wait to see what happens next

12/5/2007 c17 SuperCUTEJensen
Great chapter...I'm rooting for Christian...I hope that he and Alex get togehter soon...Lurak is just not the one for her...cant wait to see what happens next...hope you update soon!
11/13/2007 c17 kingrankar76
wow i know you haven't updated in about 2 months but plz update soon coz this story is really worth it and you should NOT leave it hangin'. I love all the characters especially Jordyn and Kori. They r so amusing and understanding. Well, update soon yea. This story is awesome
10/17/2007 c17 9Stahlut
I loved this story, it is so cool. and that whole game thing is so aesome. I mean the fact that you came up with it, and have mad eit so deatailed, I think is amazing and very inventive. and I really do hope that you update soon, or as soon a spossible, becasue I really like it. extrmely brilliant.
9/25/2007 c5 3emotionless-stares
o0o Kori is so nice and I wonder what Christian was planned for her.
9/25/2007 c4 emotionless-stares
GO ALEX! You're AWESOME! lol. I like it when girls kick guy's asses. I hate it when guys think that girls can't play video games as good as them
9/25/2007 c3 emotionless-stares
Lol Brianna is awesome, Jerrod, however, is kinda mean. and Jordyn is awesome! He seems like a really cool guy
9/25/2007 c2 emotionless-stares
lol I feel sorry for Christian.
9/25/2007 c1 emotionless-stares
lol that's funny. She's room mates with a guy. This story has a lot of potential. It seems like the start of a beautiful relationship.
9/20/2007 c13 Messed-up-Treasure

Another good story, woot, I'm liking fictionpress more and more. One thing though, when Alex and Lurak were by the creek, didn't Alex say she had U.S history in 5 minutes (which caused the whole panic with the shoe), and then she invited Lurak to her dorm to play VRBG?

Good though otherwise.
8/28/2007 c17 QueenMidget
Whoa...freakin' awesome, man. you are good! this story is a total page-turner...i mean, page-clicker. keep up the good work!
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