Just In
for Chocolate

8/23/2015 c6 1AngelCastiel
Alex is that straight friend every gay guy secretly (not-so-secretly) wants in their lives. I'll take 2 Alexs with a side of Aiden to go please.
8/14/2014 c21 joslynn.keller
I loved it! Great job
3/22/2014 c21 Anon
Hey. Listen, I'm a sixteen year old gay guy living in the UK, and I'm in the closet, except to my younger brother. "Chocolate", "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and "If you don't, don't" have really helped me start working up the courage to come out to my parents and friends. I don't know how they'll react, but I'd rather be open with them, than hiding this from them. I want to say thank you for writing these wonderful stories and helping me along.
11/17/2013 c21 Orkideh
That was such an amazing story
Guess I was so lucky today to wander around and found your fantastic fic
I really really really enjoyed it
Thanks for sharing it with us!
1/17/2013 c21 A. Wood
This story was awesome, a lot of my middle school drama came from trying to stay in the closet instead of coming out to everyone. There really isn't all that much I would change. maybe expanding on some things here and there but either way, awesome story
3/19/2012 c21 Katerina The Von
This was such a great story. I never read the other stories to this because I thought there wasn't one. But this story was so great I had to.

The characters were pretty realistic too. They are extremly adorable too. Alex,Steven, and the rest of the gang were awesome.

Loved the fact they weren't high schoolers either. Most stories are..

On to read more of your stories.

3/18/2012 c20 PolarPurple
Another beautiful written slash fic. I'm so glad I found this. :).

Well I have to say, I kinda disliked how Steven and Aiden's relationship went, it was so fast, but yet it's still a beautiful pairing AND a beautiful story so I guess it's okay. :)

Oh I also loved how you used the age 14 for the characters. I'm 13 and I think this is brilliant.

2/5/2012 c17 ALittleLunatic
I'm in eighth grade and no one I know would do anything that has been portrayed in this story, I expected they were seniors or juniors!
5/21/2011 c16 LivinLyfe2TheFullest
Alex and Ginny are the best :D 3

they stand up for Aiden and Steven and dont care if theyre gay or not, and they help them when Melanie and Brandon are being bastards :@

lmao i love the part where Ginny starts slapping Brandon in the previous chapter ... it just made my day :D
5/21/2011 c8 LivinLyfe2TheFullest
awww Steven and Aiden are so adorable alone and together 3 :D
11/8/2010 c17 LateNightTurtle
WAIT! They're in eighth grade? I thought they were freshman in high school. Wow, I feel like an idiot... Lol xD
8/3/2010 c1 1jag finns inte
I didn't read the first one bacause I don't like het so I hope im not too confused
7/9/2010 c17 lunasea
im really glad you put that 'you're only in eighth grade" comment in there because truthfully i was confused as to what grade they were in and how old they were. the way you make them seem is alot older but nice.
5/15/2010 c21 4Lazy Bo bazy
Superb! Amazing! Fantastic! Endearing!

I -hmph- bow down to you and you co-colaborater! My heart goes out to the writer(s) of Chocolate and Sweethearts and I shall forever be a fan (though I'm stubborn, so don't tell anyone)

Thank you for being amazing,

The Grand Authoress
5/9/2010 c20 3FakeFortune
I loved it! :) I liked how the characters weren't automatically 16+ and there weren't loads of arguments and stuff. I was realistic and sweet. -grins-
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