Just In
for This is My Love

6/18/2009 c1 15DevilWorship
The last couplet was by far the best. Quite truthful. One of those things you think of when looking at the glittered and drawn up quotes for myspace. Very nice.
11/29/2007 c1 ophelia
dang...that was deep..im also reading ur other stories soo please update soonn..the next door neighbor one and that one with jay...
11/27/2007 c1 Teller of Dreams
Amazing, beautifully written. Funny, at points, as well.

(Like here - If I can't have you, no one ever will.

So stop fighting, and keep Goddamn still.)

I don't know why that was funny, it just is.

Again, eerie and amazing!
11/7/2006 c1 8somuchformyhappyending
Kinda creepy...like, stalkerish, but it was VERY well written. Even though you planned for it to come out differently, I think this was the best it could've come out. Very good job! keep writing!
11/7/2006 c1 16NurseDelilah
Oh wow...this is perfect. I really enjoyed this...such a sadistic transcend. How sickenly sweet this person seems...you did a very good job. You kept good meter and I like the rhyming. I personally have difficulty with that XD
11/7/2006 c1 1Twinkle Star Bell
wow! I loved it. I don't usually read poems but this looked good just as I read the first line I got hoked. I love love loved it and it actually creeped me out. Very good!

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