Just In
for It Had To Be You

5/21/2018 c18 Guest
I loved this story to bits! It was well-written and very captivating with its romance and humour. Thank you for sharing it with us!
8/24/2016 c11 Chris594
8/24/2016 c6 Chris594
Ellie is a sweetheart- a very reckless sweetheart.
8/24/2016 c5 Chris594
Bess and Sari were hilarious.
8/24/2016 c3 Chris594
Too much of a how about her voice?
8/24/2016 c2 Chris594
Fish-like husband. Loving is courageous.
8/24/2016 c1 Chris594
This is great.
7/31/2014 c18 hana
loved it!
1/2/2014 c18 Allison
Great story!
10/14/2013 c18 1Black is Beautiful
That was amazing! I loved the characters and the plot. It was so good I read in an afternoon and skipped my geography revision! Defiantly going on my favourite list! :)
12/29/2012 c18 brinalovesyouxx
I adore this story... Happily ever after. Your stories never cease to amaze me and your writting skills are extremely good. Awesome job, keep it up! :D xx
11/20/2012 c18 Imwaiting4myAliceandEdward
So sweet. I really enjoyed reading your story and appreciated the detail and romance, not to mention the humor. Thank you for this HEA!
5/28/2012 c18 lilleylove
that was a very cute story... i love your writing style
5/24/2012 c18 11Kapiru Kat DeiDei
Hey, I've been reading it and I think this story is great. :)

I've added it on my fave list.

Keep writing and imagining! :)
5/3/2012 c18 Preposterous
Great story!
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