Just In
for Prophecy Gone Wrong

9/1/2007 c1 3Smoo231
Yay! I love a good smiting!
1/26/2007 c1 Anonymous
The ending so so unexpected and sudden. PERFECT! I loved it! Maria is so stupid and you would have to be a genius to have thought of her! Thanks for the enjoyable read.
11/27/2006 c1 57Xerophyte
HA! How dare she tempt fate! I laughed out loud reading this. It's so true! I've always wondered how those who have been chosen in prophecies know exactly what to do. This is great. Way to defy fairytales!

No gramatical issues! Good job! THANKS FOR BEING MY 50TH REVIEW! *gives a cookie*

This could be a really funny chapter story. You should go for it. Make Maria more of a round, dynamic character. She seemed a bit flat, but there is not much room for character development in short stories. (But one reason why I don't like writing them.) Good job.

11/26/2006 c1 Ruby Candy
The sky clouded over and a lightning bolt came down and struck Maria, then George, just for good measure.


Best line ever XD
11/20/2006 c1 11Riley Kathleen
Kaggr j00 are so dementedly corrupt and warped. xD Tis funny, but it kinda ends fast...then again, the whole story seems a bit fast. Nice though! ^^

11/16/2006 c1 Orual
Wow. Kill everyone off at the end. That's the kind of thing I'd do, in a fit of satirical humor. Very funny. I can see the fantasy clichés all too clearly. Ha, I'm still not over the lightening bolts.

I noticed a few grammar problems, though, like "it's" when you needed "its." When you have time, you might want to revise or have someone look over this. Just to make it as good as it can be. I still enjoyed it in the utmost.
11/16/2006 c1 eragon
slightly stupid...yet somewhat funny.


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