Just In
for Arsenic Kisses Deleted Parts

11/9/2010 c1 4WhiteSand
wow, great dialog. 'what scares me is committment' thats great... sorry to interrupt my review of your story but the apt across from mine seems to have a body in it. Guys in white suits and gas masks i am not even kidding. i just heard one guy say 'i do not like it' and 'going to have to strip the skunk naked.' i saw them wheel in the gurney (through the peephole) i wonder when they'll wheel out the body. you of all people should appreciate this. ok bye.
6/17/2010 c2 70-C.L.A.M.-0
I like the whole

yellow eyes thing.
6/17/2010 c1 0-C.L.A.M.-0
I still like it. 3
7/25/2009 c3 Brenda Agaro
Interesting deleted scenes. I really like the first one, especially the beginning (I find it intriguing.)
7/7/2009 c3 1AllOfTheAbove

Stupid self-obsessed whore, that Mia is. I know it's mostly the virus talking but fuck her and the fucking virus. In fact, I hope that virus fucks her sideways that stupid hoebag.

Anyway, what the hell is up with me and having so much hate for fictional characters?...not so normal.

Awesome scenes though;]] hahhaa. "Stop acting like a vagina about it.."
12/24/2006 c1 rachel
hehe, i like this chapter. its funny.
12/6/2006 c2 7firesword
WHO The GOOD STUFF! things never shown to the public! I GET TO SEE IT! I feel SPECIAL! ... uh yeah, this is cool! I wonder how many deleted thingymabobs you gots in that small laptop of yours. COntinue with the gud stuf

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