Just In
for 30 Things a Girl Would Die For

5/17/2007 c4 soaring glass
I think it's sad that you don't want to continue. I like the story and think it is intriguing. But, good luck with the rest of your writing and with your new story.
5/17/2007 c2 soaring glass
Oh! He's observent too. What a cute guy. And he genuinely wants to get to know he too. I really like Darcy. Again, this chapter leaves me wanting to know more.

I wanted to say that I really appreciate that you use good grammar throughout. It makes the story much easier to read. Thank you!

One more thing that I noticed, last chapter I thought you said Darcy's eyes were blue. But here they are green. It's a small thing but I thought you'd like to know so you could change it if you wanted.

Otherwise, I'm really enjoying the story.
5/17/2007 c1 soaring glass
I like it alot! The idea is cute-taking the list and having the things happen. I definitely smiled when Darcy introduced himself. Darcy and Elizabeth, huh? =) Darcy is very intriguing-I like the French touch and the mystery and the bad boy appeal. I also like that he just asked her out. Very sexy.

One comment: Do you mean "my little light" with light meaning brightness, illuminating a room, something you turn on to get rid of darkness, etc? Because then you want ma petite lumière. With ma petite léger you are using the adjective light as in light person (doesn't weigh much) or light meal or light jacket.

Just a quick French grammar point. A good English-French dictionary online is for future reference. I would also be happy to try to answer any questions about French if you have them.

But very good story otherwise. I can't wait to see what happens next.
5/17/2007 c1 14CK Shorty
I just hate it when people review to tell you that the story sucks. Didn't suck too bad if they read through the entire thing, you know? Anyway, I remember that stupid 5 minute bell before each class. I got so much work out time during my senior year...Darcy is quite forward! Touching her waist after just meeting? Haha. I'm afraid I woulda smacked him. That's unfortunate that her dad is a drunk and that her mom left...without them. Good first chapter :o]
3/22/2007 c3 4soccerbabe16
love this story so much! I hope that she and darcy eventually become more than friends. Update soon please.
2/22/2007 c3 nickyk89
I realy like this. Please continue with it.
1/31/2007 c3 Ri
Great story going, really enjoyed the first two chapters. Please update soon!
1/29/2007 c3 tinymusicgirl
well i liked it very much
1/28/2007 c3 Dalia
i think that this story has the potential to be really good. the only thing that irked me was that Darcy read Elizabeth too quickly and yet it was still accurate. you should've allowed atleast a few more days until he confronted her on her lack of trust in people. just my opinion. but so far so good. i'm interested in seeing how this love story ends up.
1/28/2007 c3 me
This has gotten me very interested and I'd like to see where's it's going. Please do continue. You only have a couple of chapters and it takes awile for the reviews to accumulate. Also you need to update so that it'll be up towards the top of the list so more people will read it. The lack of reviews is probably just because it's been pushed down the list as other stories are added and updated, and the fact that there's only two chapters. Please continue, I think this story has potential.

1/28/2007 c3 1CreativeArtist
I think its a really good story and I would like you to continue.
1/28/2007 c3 3Sinor
Would it help if I said that I only got two reviews when I started? Put up the next chapter, because otherwise your story gets pushed down and people can't find it. Besides, I'm still waiting for an update!
12/7/2006 c2 7WalkingWithAGhost
Hey. Great story - I really like it and I think it has excellent potential. I'll be keeping a lookout for it - well done.
12/7/2006 c2 3Sinor
I like this a lot! I saw a couple problems with commas, and your sentence "I had the feeling of being watched and looked up and my brown eyes locked with those dark green ones before they disappeared around the corner." has too many 'ands', but other than that, it's good and I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

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