Just In
for A Classic Case

4/22/2015 c32 Tracy Whitney
Chica...kudos it kinda interesting... but I nid a sequel job well done m rooting for ya stories
...keep in touch...TW
1/22/2015 c32 Guest
You can't just write a friggen beautiful story and leave it like that ! Wtf ?! Update , for the fans !
11/9/2014 c32 lostlamb
8/11/2014 c22 12Awkward Jess
Not sure if you're still looking for information about how high school and college work in America, but just so you know, it's highly unlikely for someone to take a gap year. At least from what I know seeing as I'm still in high school (almost out).
1/18/2014 c32 thatweirdgurl97
9/20/2013 c32 1KoriLee123
ARE you kidding?! Where is the rest?! please please please, update soon! this is amazing. I want to know what happens to Jose :(
9/19/2013 c32 camilla
It's been very entertaining reading this. I hope one day you will complete it. But more importantly, I hope you never stop writing. Thank you for your stories
8/30/2012 c15 DA-chen1
They were playing with Josh.. now here they get their result! :-(
8/30/2012 c14 DA-chen1
Really brave stunt of Coral! :-)
8/27/2012 c10 DA-chen1
One of a kind... sure, Damon... roll my eyes..
8/27/2012 c8 DA-chen1
Well... I hate this man.. please, can he die?!
8/27/2012 c7 DA-chen1
Wow, shitty for Josh...
8/27/2012 c6 DA-chen1
Sweet Coral! But is Damon good for her little sweet soul?!
8/27/2012 c5 DA-chen1
No way... now is Damon at his house? Why?!
8/27/2012 c4 DA-chen1
Well... josh is a sweetie but a little manhoe.. ;-(
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