Just In
for Ripple Effect

12/26/2007 c7 16Enigmatic Night
Wow this was intense, your character building's pretty good and I find myself easily liking and hating some of them with much ease.

Like June, yeah- June. Can't stand her, but I guess she's necessary in the plotline. Even if I hope she gets blasted by Leon.

Who I liek by the way, you didn't give him a very vivid description. I'll remember his little lines with himself- but what he looks like is a bit blurry.

You've decribed Logan, and Mercy and June well- but I dont'think you've given Leon the amount of attention description-wise as you have the others.

I just wanted to let you know that I like where this is going and can't wait for you to continue.
12/19/2007 c1 54wishing.on.echoes
You change your characters looks a lot.
8/6/2007 c1 1LuNA's.tragedy
i found you!
3/13/2007 c2 57Xerophyte
I bred a beautiful, perfect monster.

3/13/2007 c1 Xerophyte
This is interesting! It's really sad, though, that he feels worthless because Mercy doesn't love him. You wrote the internal conversation very well; usually when people write like that it comes out incredibly awkward. I really like this!

Thanks for your review!

2/4/2007 c6 84DemonicDestiny
KILL JUNE! o.O She's realy annoying. Mercy's really nice...a little to nice though. I can't wait to find out what June's gonna do to ruin everything! Haha, update soon.
1/10/2007 c5 DemonicDestiny
Heehee... GO MERCY! WOOHOO! lol. I love this chapter. Leon's a bit mean for using Mercy like that, but i still like this chapter. Update really soon please.
1/5/2007 c4 DemonicDestiny
Aww... I wonder what Logan means by his life is complicated... update soon!
12/18/2006 c3 DemonicDestiny
OMG you gotta update! Cliffie ah! I hate cliffhangers. WAH! June's mean. lol.
12/18/2006 c2 DemonicDestiny
June's a lot like one of my friends. Haha. She scares me... So Mercy and Leon are friends... interesting.
12/18/2006 c1 DemonicDestiny
0.o... Me likey. Lol. It's really different from other stories that I've read. Good job.
12/15/2006 c1 5Lily Steele
Wow. Definitely an attention-grabber. You write well. Looking forward to reading more.

12/12/2006 c1 6Kiyura
Hmm...interesting! Sad, but interesting. Nice and vague. I am a fan of vagueness, if you couldn't tell! You've done a nice job of character development. I like the conflict the protagonist has with himself, literally put out in dialogue. Good work!

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