Just In
for summer skies & muttered goodbyes

12/15/2008 c1 5Camelia Sinensis
it was just beautiful. (:
5/16/2007 c1 48MarvellousMarvin
this is a another really good one!love your poems! i love the idea of russian roulette.
4/23/2007 c1 35The Fourth Fate

Haha I like this. It's bittersweet, deep and playful. I can actually really relate to it, which makes me sort of feel a little cocky... Long story short, I reject the emotional involvement before it's even out there.

I'd like to focus on the title for a moment. It really bothers me when people make their titles A)the first line of the poem, B)the last line of the poem, or C)a repetitive line from the poem. I mean, I feel like if you're going to write something beautiful, the title needs to suit it, you know? Well this title was perfection. It had a flow to it from the subtle rhyming and an all lower case "this-is-me-toning-it-down-because-it's-too-much-to-really-magnify" feel. Some people I guess would call it emo. I think it's just being creative and memorable. Bravo.

Also, the stuccato feel was an excellent format for a poem about a summer thing. By the way, nice distinction between "thing" and "fling." Those types of comparissons always end up making for my favorite lines in a poem.

Over all, this was great. I'm half wondering if this is what you eluded to on my poem about my summer thing (totally not a fling). In any event, great piece. I really enjoyed the writing, the imagery, and the story that wove through it.
1/29/2007 c1 91fairytale failure
Actually, the author's note was my favourite part of that... but the rest was great too :) It was sad but not tragic which I thought suited it very well.
12/18/2006 c1 41i'll ask the stars above
summer, is my worst enemy, and my best friend.

and this hurt.
12/17/2006 c1 65Aquafied
12/13/2006 c1 x account closed x
and this was like life, and learning the story of the birds and the bees and how the boys of summer come in and play in the playhouse sometimes

(i loved it)

s(k)in to s(k)in,

that was nice

12/13/2006 c1 a lonely september
this poem says so much about this relationship. it gives you an insight and at the same time makes you beg for more. write more on this boy/topic/whatever, kay? ill be looking cos this is real interesting and i love the way you write... wonderful.

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