Just In
for The Beginning of the End

9/7/2008 c13 47Lady Riss
wow. This is depressing and very very messed up...

Lucy still bugs me too...

9/7/2008 c12 Lady Riss
Dun dun dun... I wonder how this will play out.
9/7/2008 c11 Lady Riss
Well, wow.

Now, honestly, the mother has to be just as crazy as those two. How the hell are they going to pull this off?
9/7/2008 c10 Lady Riss

Umm, just recheck your spelling. It's 'raped' not rapped and it's 'scared', not scarred... unless you meant scar...
9/2/2008 c9 Lady Riss
So so close...

Can I ask why the doctors didn't ask about old fractures, bruises, and scars?
9/2/2008 c7 Lady Riss

1. Kara is freaking awesome and smart ;) lol

2. Ouch.
9/2/2008 c6 Lady Riss
Bum bum bum!
9/2/2008 c5 Lady Riss
Was that a bit of foreshadowing?

Nice. lol

I like Stillson (here, in that chapter. Only)
9/2/2008 c4 Lady Riss
I like the part about her missing Halloween. In my mind she sounded geninuenly sad...It made her sound like a kid-No matter how 'tough' she acts.

Good job. :)
9/2/2008 c3 Lady Riss
Goodness, why don't Lucy just not swear. It really isn't that hard.

I understand that it shows she is giving in, and they are winning and yadayadayada... but still.

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy... lol

Oh, I must say, this is quite a violent story ;)
9/2/2008 c2 Lady Riss
See I'm reading =)

Dress sounds cute.
7/13/2008 c26 Loved1 logged out
Ahh... I saw the changes you made. I'd like it if you would put up a postlude.
4/1/2008 c26 SupernudgeB
Loved it. absolutely loved it.
7/30/2007 c6 5Soccer Dude
Okay, for the redux review, I can tell that the first few chapters have been improved. Some plot points make a little more sense and it's become easier to read with better grammar and a variety of sentence structures. There were also some nice details like describing her cell as "cold, like a basement."

But there's still some fundamental problems, like why Rei is taken in for one little fight (and her mom got scared and said "You're movin with- bah, nevermind the Fresh Prince reference.) Instead of inserting a flashback, it would've made more sense to put the incident at the beginning. Cause should come before effect. I skimmed ahead a few more chapters and saw nothing but more violence and plot points that did little but change who's beating up Rei now.

It takes a while to become good at fiction, and I can see from your profile that you've got plenty of ideas. I can see technical improvement, but think about your subject matter, and try to match it with your current skills.
7/11/2007 c26 Blackangle2011
I liked noth versions of the story but this one was better. Good Job :)
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