Just In
for The Beginning of the End

7/2/2007 c27 Blackangle2011
this story was really good
4/21/2007 c27 Marie
I thought your story was really good. some parts seemed a bit far fetched, like how her father kept changing. But that could be sorted by seting up the fact that her father is a bit of a mystery to her at the begining of the story.

I love the way you've developed her changing emotions and mental state, especially in the last few chapters. it makes you understand where she's coming from - and its so sad.

I'll definately look at your other stories.
3/25/2007 c27 mo
This is a realy depressing story! but good writing none less!
3/21/2007 c27 1HereThereEveywhereButInMyMind
This took me forever to read, at least 2 and 1/2 hours!... once I found it... after I forgot the name of the story... and had to ask you at lunch the next day... anyway it was awesome! But you keep spelling quiet as "quite". But other than that it was a good read. I wonder if you know who I am...
3/2/2007 c16 britt
im laughing so hard im crying!
3/2/2007 c15 mmm
3/2/2007 c14 nmhg


whats that supposesta mean
3/2/2007 c13 Guest
3/2/2007 c12 k
morbid and perverted..i get it now
3/2/2007 c11 dd
dun dun dun
3/2/2007 c10 km
3/2/2007 c9 nmbvg
uh...Morbid much?
3/2/2007 c8 jgh
3/2/2007 c7 yes
idk what to say
3/2/2007 c6 Brittany

got my point?
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