8/19/2007 c1 Charity F
I'm not familiar with your story yet i love the style you employ. Your words are perfect in their description.
I'm not familiar with your story yet i love the style you employ. Your words are perfect in their description.
1/4/2007 c1 Ravenna Wildcombe
Enthroned and crowned in gold indeed...In 'Inferno,' Dante places himself unabashedly among his ancient predecessors enthroned in Limbo. You could just as well count yourself "crowned in gold" among those you revere as he.
This is a truly beautiful poem. As always, your imagery is so vivid, but here especially so, and your lyric flows nostalgic and triumphant by turns to perfection, with reminiscence of the archaic language that you know and I love so well. :)
I trust Milton's lack of rhyme doesn't bother you too much, however?
Enthroned and crowned in gold indeed...In 'Inferno,' Dante places himself unabashedly among his ancient predecessors enthroned in Limbo. You could just as well count yourself "crowned in gold" among those you revere as he.
This is a truly beautiful poem. As always, your imagery is so vivid, but here especially so, and your lyric flows nostalgic and triumphant by turns to perfection, with reminiscence of the archaic language that you know and I love so well. :)
I trust Milton's lack of rhyme doesn't bother you too much, however?