Just In
for Hanging by a Thread

12/22/2007 c16 sousie
update!update !
12/22/2007 c16 1September Sapphire
tehe Kade was adorable lol. lovin the story! hmm brown bottle? is kylie becoming a bit dependent on alcohol? lol
12/22/2007 c16 9xemeraldeyesx
:O:O:O:O she isnt gonna jump out of the window is she...? lol, im watching peter pan so the flying thing is quite ironic. ooh i think kade may be a love rival for adrian. *wink wink nudge nudge*
12/22/2007 c16 1JadeGoddess
I hope she does become a motor-mouth when she drinks too much
12/22/2007 c16 SuperCUTEJensen
i like kade...cant wait for more hope you update soon
12/22/2007 c16 xxxxxxxdeadaccount
I have one thing to say:


That is all.

Ladee B
12/22/2007 c16 13Sonora the free
This literally sounds just like my best friend, this chick. right down to the alchohlic tendencies.

Merry X-MAS
12/22/2007 c16 Darkestsecrets
Thanks for updating! i love this story! hope you update soon! =D
12/22/2007 c16 19Innocencefrgttn
I love this. It intrigues me and you are doing an awesome job!
12/22/2007 c16 Unsociably Acceptable
aw, that sucks, but is so cool at the same time

she got to meet kade, who is a complete sweetheart, by the way, but she still has to deal with HIM, that sucks alot
12/20/2007 c15 42missmichellini
i love how your characters are developing :] kylie is so believable! and i can't wait to see how kade turns out, and the adrian meeting annette...

ee :]
12/20/2007 c15 sousie
awsome story update soon
12/20/2007 c15 19Hydie
good chapter. :)
12/19/2007 c15 BlueAndBooks
Wow. That was... short.

Oh well. It was still good, very good. I hope you update again soon.
12/18/2007 c15 3shy green rock
Really really short chapter!
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