Just In
for Disney Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations About Love

8/8/2008 c31 10balloonfista
I love this story SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO much! I hope that's enough so's.

It's totally my type of story - ones that I love, filled with cuteness, fluff, cliched romance and ones where the guy is so sweet. I probably read the chapter in which they get together two thousand times.

You've carried it off really really well, not making it boring even one paragraph - I didn't realise when thirty chapters were over and the claim that you're not well-acquainted with this genre can be proved totally wrong! You're awesome at this.

Once, again, this is a freaking fantastic story which I'm sure I'll reread tons and tons of times.

8/7/2008 c31 1weeeangie
great story! i love the title especially!
8/7/2008 c31 12Abelle Kingsley
You should totally write a sequal(sp?)
8/7/2008 c31 hunnie.bunnie.x3
aw! i loved this story!

it was so unbelievably sweet & cute!

i really hope you write more romance stories, even possibly a sequel, through a different characters point of view & their life but still including sevin & daphne.

lol it was sucha great story & congrats for finishing :]
8/7/2008 c31 2coalhouse
OH MY GOD! I LOVED THIS STORY! It was better than that 'The Dark Knight: PSA: Bike Saftey" Thing i found online! (And that was awesome.)

I don't actually watch disney, but the movies are good. (I have a thing for Beauty and the Beast and Alice In Wonderland.) And this story was just amazing! It's encredibly well written and i love how realistic it was. (Like, Daphne and Sevin weren't together and madly in love by the fourth chapter.)

I loved it!
8/6/2008 c31 2Vippy G
Oh my gosh, I loved this whole story! Please write another! Seriously, this rocked.

(Sorry this isn't exactly eloquent...or at all useful. But seriously, this was awesome!)
8/6/2008 c1 Christy Lynn
omg! i laughed the WHOLE time!
8/5/2008 c31 7sketchingaCYNiC
aww. how cute :) i love happy endings ^_^ im glad you finished this. very glad. :)
8/5/2008 c31 24Inanna Skili
Aww! I love the scene in the diner... and I love the symmetry of them ending up back there. Very good story. Sorry it's over, but I'm glad they *finally* got together in the end :)
8/5/2008 c31 Espionage In My Shoe
I know, I know. It took me forever to finally read this and review. But- holy freaking crap! I thought I would be perfectly fine with it all ending last chapter, but this was definitely the icing on the cake. =D

I... I... I'm so pleased with how this has all come together and everything, that I can't think of anything constructive to say. o_O;

Usually, I only read stories that are already finished when I start them. Because usually, I can't stand the suspense of not being able to IMMEDIATELY after finishing a chapter go on to the next one to find out what happens next. However, for some reason, I did it for this story. Probably because, for some weird reason, I liked it too freaking much to NOT keep reading it. ;)

All-in-all, I guess I'm saying "Congratulations!" =) It's been a long haul, but it's been fun. Thank you for sharing this story with crazy little fanatics like me. ;p

Love always,

8/5/2008 c31 1sweets555
i can't believe i finished this...and i most definitely am going to go check out your page.

this is amazing.
8/5/2008 c30 sweets555
8/5/2008 c31 9xemeraldeyesx
an amazing story, and love the last chapter. most last chapters annoy me and i want them to carry on but this was a great ending. good job!
8/4/2008 c24 1sweets555

or in your terms, squee!

i'm definitely about to fall asleep, but i cant wait to finish this in the morning
8/4/2008 c21 sweets555
hmph. i am not pleased. which really just means im going to keep reading...
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