Just In
for Disney Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations About Love

4/11/2007 c6 24DancingChaChaFruit
Oh, Disneyland? Do you live in California? I've only been to Disney World, which I've always thought was pretty cool. Except all the "Where Your Dreams Come True!" mumbo jumbo really got on my nerves when I went a couple months ago (in December). I mean, it was cool when I was eight, but now that I'm sixteen, I kind of felt like they were patronizing me.

But that's enough about Disney World.

Man, why do guys have to be so darn CONFUSING? Seriously. One minute you think you understand them, and the next, they totally contradict what you thought. Then again, I can't say that girls always make much more sense, but still. It's annoying when people don't make sense. But I guess that's just how the world works. Like you said, people just say stupid things, and the prefect guys Does Not Exist. Unfortunately =(.

It's the times when these thoughts cross my head that I wish I were a Disney princess.

I liked that Jason was so straightforward with Daphne and apologized and stuff. Well, kind of. Because he didn't seem like he planned on saying anything until she dragged him outside and almost murdered him. And then he kissed her...? I mean, he said that he really did like her, but then why didn't he apologize earier? Exhibit B for why guys just don't make sense.

Ugh. This chapter has just made me hate guys more than I already do. Okay, I don't hate them all the time, seeing as how some of them can actually not be losers some of the time. But the rest of the time, they ARE losers. (Oh, and don't feel bad about making me hate guys more. It tends to happen when I brood over the aspects of them that bother me. I'll be over it by the time I wake up tomorrow morning. Don't worry.)

Anyway, this chapter was rather short, which was sad =(. And I have to admit that I still maintiain that this story is moving along a little too quickly for my liking. I'm just feeling a little overwhelemed by what's going on.

And yeah. That's my review. LOVE Daphne's character, by the way. If I haven't already mentioned that.

See ya next time! =)
4/10/2007 c5 5Skeptic-Critic
Darn it...Right before she was going to do something big...And wild...And exciting...I'm kinda hoping she can pull out some real butt whoopin'...
4/9/2007 c5 6A.K.A. Writer's Block

i hope jason pays big-time.

it's so much fun when that happens.
4/9/2007 c5 Suneri
Oh dear. More fun than kissing. THAT doesn't sound good...on the bright side, at least that kiss wasn't her first kiss, otherwise I would totally freak...if it were me, of course.

Wow. Gotta love Mulan rants. I have to ask-do you already know the names and such, or do you need to look them up? Not that it's bad either way, I mean, I recognize all the characters mentioned thus far!

Sevin's so...sweet. He's not even upset that she accused him of like slandering her name and all...

Haha, wow, pushy friends...gotta love 'em.

Sevin is a stupid guy. Sheesh. You'd think he might be upset, but NO...

Aw, Sevin really IS a nice guy. A nice, stupid guy. XD;;

Sheesh, Alla is an ICE QUEEN...but at least she was okay about it...still, to believe him so easily!

Haha, aw, poor Sevin, the messenger of bad news...Oh snap. Jason is such a creep. Yay! Daphne will take him DOWN in the next chapter!
4/9/2007 c4 Suneri
Maybe I'm crazy, but I always thought Turk kind of had a thing for Tarzan. Oh. Foreshadowing? Haha, and I love the psychiatrist. She's awesome, and an interesting way to insert a voice of reason into the whole story. Sevin and Daphne, eh?
4/9/2007 c3 Suneri
Wow. Nice Hercules to Meg comment. HAHAHAHA, omg, she's AWFUL...dead mom card...

Boba? Okay, now I want to taste it...unless you made it up, then I'd feel stupid...

Um. Yes. We went over this already. This boy has the attention span of a particularly manic Chihuahua. And that’s probably giving him too much credit.

Then he added cheekily, “You know, if I ever start thinking I’m gay, I give you full permission to find out for sure.”

I'm serious, I love your style of narration. It's hilarious.

And the last line or two cracked me up.
4/9/2007 c2 Suneri
Someone needs to remind Daphne of Snow White. She had pretty darn short hair.

I love all your Disney references and such, btw.

Aw, Flo's sweet. Note the last chapter-I'm debating whether or not to be embarrassed that I know the term "in the weeds"...XD;;

Sevin is such a freeloader. *laughs* He's really amusing to read about.

Personally, I do believe that you can judge a person by their outgoing message. Jason's is really awful...

Oh, her poor father...

Sevin's such a GUY...is it stupid of me to ask what a bong is?

Jason is quickly becoming more and more of an idiot-HE DID NOT JUST KISS HER! Good thing she has Sevin to beat him up...
4/9/2007 c1 Suneri
So, I have to say: you had me hooked from the title.

Occasionally, I might've lost interest a little-granted, it's ch 1, not typically big on action in general-if not for your style! It is so hilarious and amazing. Jason sounds really interesting; I wonder what Sevin's problem is with him...
4/8/2007 c5 6Secretive
I love it and I can't wait for another update! And how absolutely cute is Sevin? I'll tell you: he's actually making me long for a guy that is the age of my little brother. My God, adorable. ^.^ Seriously, where are all the Sevin's now that I'm in college? I don't get adorable anymore, I get really weird guys that don't realize that I REALLY don't want to give them my number. And that was another totally pointless tangent... I love Daphne; I've mentioned loving her voice, but I'm serious here. She's spastic - which equals cool, and she has a lot of problems. Which just makes her seem so real to me, and she's strong since she's not letting them weigh her down. She's just great - thought I'd let you know. Anyways, can't wait until your next update!
4/8/2007 c4 Secretive
I love all the Disney references! Mostly because I'm nineteen and I continue to watch the movies religiously, so it's nice to think there are others like me. And I love how everyone seems to think she and Sevin would be good together, because they sound like they'd be good together... And I think I actually like Mogwai. Well, at least one of their songs and it's cool to read a story that mentions one of those bands that no one really knows about, because I somehow keep getting into them. Granted they're not all I listen to, and my God this is another rambling review. Sorry! Great chapter.
4/8/2007 c3 Secretive
I meant to mention that her whole family background is refreshingly new and sad... Her dad is a really great man, that's all I can say. And I think her night was great, not mortifying - it sounds like the kind of fun that I would love to get into. If only I had Sevin... I already have a crappy car... :P Great chapter.
4/8/2007 c2 Secretive
Go Sevvy! And have I mentioned how much I agree with the title of this story? Hell, my own romances have given me unrealistic expectations about love... Every story on this site actually... How sad is that?

Just realized that my reviews aren't the least bit constructive... Guess I'm enjoying it too much - and what a loser! I'm usually a big fan of the guy pressing the girl up against a wall in kissing her, but that was totally wrong. Stoned? Who did he think he was romancing? And the whole idea of drunk/stoned driving would've caused me to beat him. Too many people get hurt by people like him... Yeah, okay, I'm going to stop this rant now.
4/8/2007 c5 fragmented blue
Hahahaha, I'm starting to like Daphne more and more. I love how she's spastic and freaks out about things; she's a realistic character, and I can relate to how she always worries about random stuff (especially her choice in guys!). Speaking of which, Jason is a complete asshole. I wouldn't blame Daphne if she murdered him with a spatula. Although, I wonder how that's possible? xD
4/8/2007 c1 firefly of hell
did you get the title from the facebook group? but i luv the story even though you might want to double check your grammar mistakes...
4/8/2007 c5 24DancingChaChaFruit
I hate to start by nitpicking, but I have to point out a grammar mistake because, well, I love grammar.=P

"their lunch" - "their lunches" The numbers have to agree (meaning that since "their" is plural, "lunch" has to be plural also).

Moving on. Poor Daphne! I've never had rumors spread about me (at least, that I know of, though I doubt anyone would spread a rumor about me anyway since I'm betting most of the people in my grade have no idea who I am), so I can't say that I empathize with her, but I definitely sympathize with her. Rumors suck, and so does high school. You can't escape the grapevine, even when you're not in school!

But seriously. Jason is too proud for his own good. I'm about to jump in the story and beat him up, so I definitely hope Daphne gives him what he deserves.

And I pretty much cracked up when Daphne went into her little ramble about Mulan. I LOVE Mulan, so that made me smile.

OMG SHE SAID FRESH! Okay, sorry. But seriously, I was at the mall with my mom a few days ago, and while the cashier person was ringing up our stuff, we were looking at the rings they had on display. They were those big plastic ones that are "in" at the moment. So anyway, my mom put one on and said, "These are like a weapon. If anyone tried to get fresh with you, you could just punch them." And then I started laughing at her use of "fresh." Sorry if I offend you in any way, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone use "fresh" in that way. But anyawy, then the cashier lady (who was probably in her early to mid-twenties) went, "My mom used to say fresh. Actually, I say it too, sometimes."

And that's my story. I know, it wasn't that great-not really funny at all-but... I dunno. I felt like sharing it with you. Sorry if I just wasted up your time with that pointlessness.

Okay, I'll conclude this review now. Heh. Until the next! =)
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