Just In
for Disney Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations About Love

4/8/2007 c1 6Secretive
Wow, I love this first chapter and I love Daphne's voice. And...now I have nothing really intelligent to say, because I'd just want to ramble on and on about how cool Sevin sounds... So...to the next chapter!
4/8/2007 c5 5aishling-stone
I laughed the whole way through this. Seriously. xDD Stupid boys spreading rumours in order to bolster their egos makes me giggle.

I meant to include this in my last review, but it got cut off: good to find a fellow QC fan! ^-^
4/8/2007 c5 1shairimean
oh yeah! He is so going to pay! And I will be so looking forward to it!

I was very glad to see the story alert in my inbox, from what you said I was hoping I wouldn't have to wait too long, but what a pleasant surprise.

Jason is such an asshole, just cause she bruised his ego! God- boys and their stupid ideas abpout reputation and pride. Sigh.

Ah, but Sevin is so cute- especially when he is trying to tell her the extent of the rumors- I love his character. I hope there is some romantic interaction between them soon.

Its good to see that Daphne is becoming more aware of him in a romantic way, it will certainly help with any progress they make in their relationship. I like Dr Schluz for that, she's started what I am sure can only be a domino effect.

Oh, the tension, just what will Daphne do? I can't wait to see, especially since she has reining in her temper for quite a while, could this prove to be the release of it all?

Anyway, very nicely written chpater- I like the way Daphne thinks and speaks to the readers- this style of narrative suits your writing I think. Its really enjoyable to read, and the pace you have set really works, so keep up the hard work and the updates!
4/7/2007 c4 24DancingChaChaFruit
Woot. To tell you the truth, this chapter seemed kind of empty. I mean, I know we saw more of the relationship between Daphne and her dad, which was important, and we saw that others think that Sevin likes Daphne, but... I don't know. It's probably just me being weird. (I actually have been really weird about what I read, lately. I've just become pickier and pickier. Dunno why.)

Anyway. I like the way your characterizing Daphne's relationship with her father. And that Dr. Shulz person amused me, even though you probably didn't intend for her to.

Haha, a band called "Skiing Kneecaps." I'd probably want to hear at least one song by them (if they existed... do they?) just beacuse the name is so funny. Bands with funny names always crack me up. Like... oh, shoot, I can't think of an example. But they do.

And yeah. Nice chapter, despite my old-person-esque pickiness. Can't wait until the next! =)
4/6/2007 c4 13Semi-CrazyWithaLittleWeirdness
I love this...

And she's SO going to realize her inevitable feelings for Sevin.

Great chapter!
4/6/2007 c4 8Quadrophenia
I love this story! It's hilarious. Unless boba is made up, I think I know what drink you're talking about. It's about my favorite drink in the world, but I only find it in Chinatown. Update soon!
4/6/2007 c1 1shairimean
Ok, I know, it's me again.

I just checked out the pioctures you put on your profile page for the caracters and just had to comment on them you know.

Ok, so Daphne is so a Daphne and very pretty in a cute next door girl typie way. I'm just as surprised as her that no one wants to ask her out, if I was a guy i'd go for it.

Sevin is just so cute/hot. In an almost cheeky way- I can almost see the yes, i'm hot and I'm weird thing from the picture. Strange huh.

But I have to say you made Jason way hotter than he deserves to be. He does not deserve those cheekbones dammit, he turned out to be a total loser! Gah!

Anyway, now that thats out of the way, I remeber to tell you that her first kiss story was just so funny. I liked the fact that she already had her first kiss. and Sevin thinking that it got stolen from her is such an obvious pointer that he's interested in her, if only she saw it that way right?

Anyway, I'll be of now.
4/6/2007 c4 shairimean
Hey, I really really like your story. It has been so good so far and its only four chapters, so yay for you.

What I love about it is the length of the chapters, absolutely no complaints there- and ofcourse Daphne. I really like her narrative and her voice, she's funny and so totally oblivious- you just have to love her!

And ofcourse Sevin who is way uber cool. I really like the little things about him like how he laughs at his own jokes, likes bobo and her though she isn't aware of that yet. I like the fact that he's not really the perfect main guy but is a little weird at times- which for me can only be seen as a complimentary quirk. So major thumbs up for him.

I see what you mean by a fast pace to the story, you certainly did delve straight into it in chapter two what with the jerkish Jason, but actually its got quite a even pace in the later chapters- not too fast that we're thinking what the heck?- but fast enough that I'm already satisfied- and I'm sure the best bits haven't even come yet.

Oh, I love sevin and her interactions, lovely dialogue and situations, really funny at times- so I hope he's in the next chapter. Can't wait to see whats going to happen.

I was curious though when you said that the story was going to be long- how long- like drama long? And does that mean you've already written it out and will be updating at crazy supre fast speed and thus providing me doses of entertainment which will last me a long while? :D

Anyway, just thought to let you know that the story is going very well and I really like it. Oh, I love the title, summayr and the Disney references. Its uber cool.
4/5/2007 c4 5aishling-stone
Bwahahahaha! xDD Daphne is so clueless.
4/5/2007 c4 6A.K.A. Writer's Block

i liked the copyright part in the author's note.



it's awesome! even the freaking title it awesome!

so is your writing!

i really hope she ends up with sevin, by the way.

such a cool name...
4/5/2007 c4 5Skeptic-Critic
I completely forgot to tell you last chapter how excited I was that you knew what boba was...Honestly, it's this really big thing at my school and when i talk about it with my out of school friends, they have no idea what I'm talking about...I guess that's what I get...I go to one of those kind of exclusive private schools...you know...Where half of the kids board at school...And everyone there is either really rich or really smart or both...And where the majority of the student population is Asian...Which is why Boba is so big...and Panda express is not...Apparently, asian food here is so Americanized that none of the Asian kids wants to eat it...

Right so...the seed has been planted...And now everytime she's around him she'll notice little things that could be pointing to it...yay...lots of awkwardness...I should know...Have you ever had someone tell you they thought one of your closest guy friend had a crush on you? It's terribly awkward...

Please update quickly...Judging by your publish date and update date, it looks like you update once a month...And it's really hard to wait that long on stories you're really enjoying...(Yes that was a subtle compliment in case you missed it)
4/5/2007 c3 Skeptic-Critic
I don't think she even realizes she's doing what most girls would consider flirting...

Is she going to have any clashes over guys with her friends? Obviously Flo's not going to go after her own brother, but what about Jia?
4/5/2007 c2 Skeptic-Critic
Oh good...I was so hoping Sevin would be the one to save her...And his name keeps cracking me up...Every time I read it, I just have to giggle...I just can't help myself...How did you choose the name?
4/5/2007 c1 Skeptic-Critic
Please...How could I not be interested? You mentioned Disney in the title...And you pretty much had me there...That's kinda all it takes...And I like Sevin...Not so big on Jason but with any luck he's not the one she's going to end up with so...
4/5/2007 c1 1killerkelkeller
This probably isn't the first time someone asked, but did you base/take the title from the facebook group? I find it funny how you started the story off with the dog stealing Daphne's bra. That really caught my attention. Keep it up..
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