Just In
for Disney Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations About Love

4/5/2007 c4 2Skitties

The Krissie = uber excited!

I loved this chapter. Of course, the sloppy make outs part was just tear jerking - in a laughy way.


Update soon!
3/10/2007 c3 fragmented blue
Romantic comedies really are underrated. You did a great job with this-I like Daphne; she's not your usual damnsel in distress, and I love her commentary on what's going on. She's funny, and Sevin is awesome. Although, I did think from the beginning that Jason was going to be a jerk. Usually, the ones that seem perfect are. More's the pity. xD I really liked this story, and hope to see an update soon!
3/5/2007 c3 7Saroo
Absolutely adorable story!

I love the whole bantering between Daphne and Sevin, and how original you've twisted the "Highschool Romance Story." Can't wait for an update!

- Saroo

By the way... did you make boba up? That scene was hilarious.
3/1/2007 c1 9Sally Can Wait
Ohmygawshyay! You have a story! AND IT HAS FAIRY TALE REFERENCES! All stories should have fairy tale references. Seriously. They are such a big part of our society.

Well sort of. Anyhoodles, MULAN WAS TOTALLY A GOOD MOVIE! She's a better princess than Snow White any day, mainly becuase Snow White worbles. My grandmother worbles.

This is totally funny, which I am glad of (um, improper grammar), becuase there are so many stories that are, you know. Not. But this is. Right.

Sevin is an interesting name. It also reminds me of the job I had over the summer, which I embarassed myself at in front of this really cute guy about eighty seven thousand times. Summer jobs=awesome premise for a story.

Also, the description you gave for Jason's appearance sounds an awful lot like, um, me. Seriously. I have short light brown hair (well probably not as short as his, but above my shoulders) and grey-green eyes. Except, you know, girl version.


Now, off to read the next two chapters. :D

-Sally Can Wait
1/26/2007 c3 Chowdizzle
Huh, I think what you were describing as 'boba' is what we call Bubble Tea up here. You know, the land in which we actually use the metric form of measurement. Canada

Anyways, Keep it up.
1/24/2007 c2 2euphorictragedy
I really like this story so far. I love Daphne's wittyness (is that a word?) and I just like how you write the story. Finally! Someone who knows how to write a good story!
1/24/2007 c3 5aishling-stone
Wow that was funny. xD Maybe I'm a horrible person, but I'm taking quite a great deal of amusement from Daphne's embarrassement. xDD Also, the comment about metres and meters amused me to no end, 'cause I'm Canadian and we use metres up here... except we also use imperial measurements... I'm five foot four, but I have no idea how tall I am in metres. xD It's a silly mix, but it makes sense to us up here in the frozen north. Anyway, keep it up, this is turning out even better than I expected (and that's good, trust me!).
1/23/2007 c3 13Semi-CrazyWithaLittleWeirdness
*smiles* i'm starting to love this story. WRITE ON AS IF YOU WERE A ROCK STAR! *extends pinkie and pointing finger as the 'rock on' sign* :D
1/23/2007 c3 5Anti-Me
keep up the good work. This chapter is pretty good for a quick update. Hope to read more soon.
1/23/2007 c3 24DancingChaChaFruit
Ahaha, this chapter was funny. To be honest, I actually think you should have extended the chapter even longer. It really wasn't /that/ long; it just seems that way because of the separate paragraphs and the dialogue. (As a matter of fact, you may want to consider combining some of your paragraphs into larger paragraphs.) Actually, I think you should maybe have extended this even longer, perhaps to when they arrive back at Sevin's home or something. The current ending just seems rather abrupt. Like, you're reading, and then all of sudden, BAM! The chapter's over. But that's only what I felt.

On the whole, I really enjoyed this chapter. In addition to its hilarity, I like the increasing development of Sevin's and Daphne's characters. Daphne is actually a lot like me, which is funny and helps me relate to her.

I thought those little boba drinks were HILARIOUS. Just Daphne's description of them and stuff. I'd always thought tapioca was a white-ish color, so I was kind of confused at first, but I guess I was just wrong on that account so it's cool.

And thanks for clearing up the thing about Daphne's first kiss, though I can't say her first kiss was much more romantic. But at least there was a general consensus between the two parties (unliked when Jason pretty much forced himself on her).

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Until the next review! =)
1/23/2007 c1 1Blinded.by.Stars
love the idea I can tell it's going to be an interesting storyline. Update soon :)
1/23/2007 c3 6A.K.A. Writer's Block
::snicker:: i heart this story.

oh, and by the way, i will cheerfully kidnap you until you do update. =^^= ((twisted way to show my love... eh...))
1/23/2007 c2 A.K.A. Writer's Block

i love this story.
1/12/2007 c2 Chowdizzle
1/11/2007 c2 5aishling-stone
Okay, I wasn't sure at first, but now I have become certain; Sevin likes Daphne. Probably as more than a "little sister." xDD I'm right, aren't I? Huh huh huh? I'm right, aren't I? 'Cause that's just how these things go. xD Good job, not as funny but very well-written and PLOT ADVANCING! M, plot advancements. Yes. xD I'll stop bugging you right about now.
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