1/28/2012 c1
The insults were from a… six year old? which was weird and took me out of it (since the people I knew in grade six, let alone high school, could come with better.
That said it's an intriguing start.

The insults were from a… six year old? which was weird and took me out of it (since the people I knew in grade six, let alone high school, could come with better.
That said it's an intriguing start.
7/23/2009 c8 truebleu
This has got to be one of the most hilarious things i have read.
I loved it and i wish you would continue it!
i really really really adored it!
i especially like the ryan/michelle pairing!
Plz continue this story!
It is not a lost cause!
ur faithful fan,
This has got to be one of the most hilarious things i have read.
I loved it and i wish you would continue it!
i really really really adored it!
i especially like the ryan/michelle pairing!
Plz continue this story!
It is not a lost cause!
ur faithful fan,
6/24/2009 c8
4Rock The Rain
I love it so much. Please, continue? :( He needs to realize his love for her, already! Lol.

I love it so much. Please, continue? :( He needs to realize his love for her, already! Lol.
4/20/2009 c1
12Misery Speaks
It's so effin hilarious to a point which "funny" isn't capable of describing it. I loved Michells's inner monologues and her excuses. xP

It's so effin hilarious to a point which "funny" isn't capable of describing it. I loved Michells's inner monologues and her excuses. xP
9/6/2008 c8
1Jeni D
I really really really really hope you take this off hiatus soon and update it. :) It's just so good. And if you don't that's ok too. BUT, her's hoping. *YAY!*

I really really really really hope you take this off hiatus soon and update it. :) It's just so good. And if you don't that's ok too. BUT, her's hoping. *YAY!*
8/18/2008 c8 Green Eyed Angel
I just read the story and I have to say, I love every minute of it. Yeah. So please continue writing. It's really funny. And you did discribe the trick well. Don't worry. It's a kickass sory, really. Can you just please include more of Shell's stupid excuses? Hahaha. Yeah... they're hilarious. LOVE the story! I am your number one fan! Or maybe number 2, if there is someone in the number 1 position, but who cares! Point is, your story's awesome. Please update as soon as you can!
I just read the story and I have to say, I love every minute of it. Yeah. So please continue writing. It's really funny. And you did discribe the trick well. Don't worry. It's a kickass sory, really. Can you just please include more of Shell's stupid excuses? Hahaha. Yeah... they're hilarious. LOVE the story! I am your number one fan! Or maybe number 2, if there is someone in the number 1 position, but who cares! Point is, your story's awesome. Please update as soon as you can!
7/16/2008 c8 Frozen.by.Sloth
First and foremost,
this story is absolutely charming. I giggled (and I don't do giggling), I laughed, I cackled, I snickered, snorted, almost squealed, and I was completely swept off my feet by some parts.
I would enjoy reading more of it, and I hope you start writing again soon.
I read your profile, and I think you're being far too hard on yourself. I suppose you're the best judge of how much pride is too much, but to feel pride because of what you've accomplished and had acknowledged is nothing wrong. In fact, if you hadn't appreciated it, and felt pride, it would have been even more wrong, as I see it. Cherishing what you were given is nothing bad ; I seriously doubt you crossed the line. But as I said, you're the best judge.
Enjoy da life~
First and foremost,
this story is absolutely charming. I giggled (and I don't do giggling), I laughed, I cackled, I snickered, snorted, almost squealed, and I was completely swept off my feet by some parts.
I would enjoy reading more of it, and I hope you start writing again soon.
I read your profile, and I think you're being far too hard on yourself. I suppose you're the best judge of how much pride is too much, but to feel pride because of what you've accomplished and had acknowledged is nothing wrong. In fact, if you hadn't appreciated it, and felt pride, it would have been even more wrong, as I see it. Cherishing what you were given is nothing bad ; I seriously doubt you crossed the line. But as I said, you're the best judge.
Enjoy da life~
7/11/2008 c8 jaimebby
because, i'm purddy new to fictionpress, and and and, i found this.
and i spent like an hour reading this whole entire story.
please, pretty please?
i'll be sad if you don't. x'D.
so yeah.
i'll be awaiting.
because, i'm purddy new to fictionpress, and and and, i found this.
and i spent like an hour reading this whole entire story.
please, pretty please?
i'll be sad if you don't. x'D.
so yeah.
i'll be awaiting.
6/30/2008 c6 Kyllex
Hey here I am again...xD Reviewing so you can have your 100 reviews! Because reviews are AWESOME!
I just wanted to say that the whole thing with girl shoes...hilarious! I almost fell out of my chair reading this chapter. xDD
Hey here I am again...xD Reviewing so you can have your 100 reviews! Because reviews are AWESOME!
I just wanted to say that the whole thing with girl shoes...hilarious! I almost fell out of my chair reading this chapter. xDD
6/30/2008 c8 Kyllex
Awesome! I love this story, and I love you! (platonically, of course xD)
Oh my this was a funny chapter! (as usual) That card trick, lol that's funny. I should try that next time I go to a little kid's b.day party. Which would be...probably never. xD
Anyway yeah you HAVE TO update soon because otherwise I might just die from anxiety! You don't want your reviewers to wither out, do you? -le gasp-
Well. Anyway. This has turned into a ramble. I tend to do that a lot. xDD
Awesome! I love this story, and I love you! (platonically, of course xD)
Oh my this was a funny chapter! (as usual) That card trick, lol that's funny. I should try that next time I go to a little kid's b.day party. Which would be...probably never. xD
Anyway yeah you HAVE TO update soon because otherwise I might just die from anxiety! You don't want your reviewers to wither out, do you? -le gasp-
Well. Anyway. This has turned into a ramble. I tend to do that a lot. xDD