Just In
for Beastly Brother

12/26/2018 c1 zagato
I just think that they are not siblings and this is cool, thanks!
1/14/2013 c1 kesha379
i don't know what to say
7/27/2010 c1 3WildestHeart4ever
wow thats really something, a good story
3/20/2010 c1 2stuckinreality92
ok i dont comment often in fact this is only my 2nd time in a couple of years. one i forced my mind to forget they were brother and sister it was an amazing story and concept. i like the anamalistic theme. if yo8u have any recommendations of others like this let me know
7/14/2009 c1 Ice and Snow
really good. it has a nice concept. good job :D
12/14/2008 c1 4Kimera77
I really like this story. Nice twist in the plot, simple, but crude and fullfiling. I would love to see how you'd develop a story based upon a similar plot. Keep it up!
4/19/2008 c1 3Estelin
this story was great. keep up the good work and writing. i can't wait to read more of your work.
12/30/2007 c1 1The Wolfdemon of fire
that was sweet of her.She's awesome.Loved the story
12/13/2007 c1 sousie
that was awsome
2/23/2007 c1 2Meg Wren
huh... how DID you come up with this?
1/12/2007 c1 19Sukidayo
Just a few grammer things here and there, but it was really well written with the sense of words and descriptions. Well done!

1/11/2007 c1 atreyu love

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