Just In
for Reason and Romance Redux

12/19/2008 c18 4Jaden Ink
hahaha i aam starting to really like q... lol and alex is starting to soften up.
12/19/2008 c17 Jaden Ink
hhahaha daddy knows!
12/19/2008 c16 Jaden Ink
"Shame on you, Adrian. We're talking about Arizona."

lol i love it! good chapter!
12/19/2008 c15 Jaden Ink
hahah isaac... your cute... lol i love how alex is starting to play the concerned older brother hahah
12/19/2008 c14 Jaden Ink
HAHAHAH i can just see how that conversation would go... mwahaha
12/19/2008 c11 Jaden Ink
i love your anti cliche its awsome
12/19/2008 c10 Jaden Ink
haha alex is good at covering what he's really feeling
12/19/2008 c9 Jaden Ink
haha go meg! lol i love vaughn by the way!
12/18/2008 c8 Jaden Ink
hahaha alex can't ignore her mwahaha
12/18/2008 c7 Jaden Ink
Hahah nice! i love the effect alex and adrian have on eachother... if grant gay? just curious the way he said he just needed a date was like he needed a cover or somthing lol i donno but this is awsome
12/18/2008 c5 Jaden Ink
this chapter was awsome i love adrian tease side
12/18/2008 c4 Jaden Ink
wtf jason you prick!like i had a feeling when he was all O.O when she mentioned her at the wedding but DAMN!
12/15/2008 c26 1sherbetsi
decided to read the redux first.. my plan is to read the sequel and the rest and then i can come back to the original unreduxed version..

before i forget.. i loved it! it was really funny actually even if you didnt plan it that way..

so far i love your stories. you've got a plot sophistication that most writers can normally only write at the most one story with that quality.. you reach that with all of them.. and for that you amaze me! XD
12/14/2008 c26 2Hecate's Diamon
Hmm... I definitely like this version better than the original. Jason and Stephanie were too annoying to be around that much and there wasn't enough of Alex's friends, who are super awesome. But ya... I keep getting Alerts for all your other stories, but they're all based off of this one, so I got to read them and get all confused cause until now I'd only read the older version. So now I can finally read Trouble Starts With A Q, even though you're probably done that one by now, but oh well. I'm off to start it! :D Awesome job! This one's on my favourites now!
12/12/2008 c22 theslykit
i really think you should write a story about meg! she's too much fun to stay in the background!
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