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for Reason and Romance Redux

12/9/2014 c27 Demeterr
Congratulations on the publication! I remember reading this years ago on FP and PH. I've just got the book from Google play so I'm keen to read!
12/8/2014 c27 Jovanna
Wow! I was surprised to see an update from a story that I read so long ago. Congratulations! This story was one of my favorite fictionpress stories. I still have several drawings depicting Adrian and Alex. Hope all goes well, and I definitely plan on buying all of your future books!
12/8/2014 c27 5BlueAki
Wow congrats! I always loved both versions of this story, so I can't wait to read it!
12/8/2014 c27 Eveiveneg
It's such a rush to see Reason and Romance on an Amazon page. It probably doesn't compare to how excited (and terrified) you are, but I am so happy you've made it this far. I've kept my fingers crossed for publication since I first found your stories. Reading it as a whole will be so different from the chapter-by-chapter experience - I'm looking forward to it. Been a fan nearly ten years and will be for much longer. Congratulations!
12/8/2014 c27 1Chaun
I shall purchase to support! !

So proud of you :) All the best with your future publications
12/8/2014 c27 2artistic dreamer
just had to say it one more time on fictionpress, where it all started, CONGRATS! :D I'm so happy for you and can't wait to read the published version! 3
12/8/2014 c27 xsweetxtartx
Eeeek! So excited for you, congratulations!
I had no idea this book was getting published since I haven't really gone on Plagiarism Haven in awhile (over a year at least) and have no idea what's going on over at LiveJournal or whatever. Can't say that I would have ever even known about this publication if it wasn't for the fact that I AM following you and getting email notifications through FictionPress.
Anyways, I'm proud to say that I was here even before there was a Redux version of Reason and Romance. I think I started reading your stories in 2006 actually, and that was when I was still in middle school! I'm in college now and it's amazing how much time has passed since reading your stories.
I look forward to meeting your characters from River Valley once again since I've missed them (as much as you can as characters in a novel haha). Hope to see "Abide With Me" sometime in the future too, since I've missed Mia as well. Congrats again! I'll be putting this on my wish list for Christmas, since it's such perfect timing and just in time for the holidays-thank you :)
12/8/2014 c27 Lizzie C
Congratulations on being published! I read and reviewed many of your stories under the user name Em Crosthwaite. I'm so happy to see that many of the authors who left fictionpress because of the plagiarism debacle are having their works published and rightfully recognized! I'd there any chance you'd be publishing your other works?
12/8/2014 c27 Guest
Congratulatiooooons! im so happy for you! Good luck in the published world, my dear !
12/8/2014 c27 1RobotInTheHead
This is such exciting news! I am so happy for you and I will definitely purchase these books and reread them again! Congrats once again! I hope we can see the rome series one day too ;) (my favourite!)
12/8/2014 c27 Emi
Congratulations! You've been with me through high school and I'm definitely feeling nostalgic. You definitely deserve it, I wish you the greatest success and I will support you by purchasing your books (tomorrow) and in the near future.
12/8/2014 c27 1DuchessYappingDog
Preordered! So excited for you. Man, I can't even remember when I started reading your stories. Sometime in high school, definitely before college because I remember you Red Sox / BU story, which I read while I was a freshman or sophomore at BU. Hahaha. I hope you are doing well these days. I haven't read any of your newer stories since PH but I look forward to reading your books! I will pop into LJ sometime and see your updates. :) -Cat
12/8/2014 c27 beeziebug
Had no idea this was getting published. Congratulations and thanks for posting - just bought a copy. :)
12/8/2014 c27 I'm-so-UndeRated
That is awesome. Best news that I have heard from fiction press in a while
12/8/2014 c27 Guest
OH MY GOD I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I haven't heard from you in years so I was so excited when I saw this in the email. I just want you to know that you were a huge part of mine and my friends' childhood and we are all so so grateful. I wish you all the luck in the world.
PS, Where can we buy Reason and Romance?!
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