Just In
for Reason and Romance Redux

1/15/2007 c2 11Eveiveneg
It may just be me, but it sort of seems pointless for Adrian to be so angry at Alex. Yeah, he does seems like a prick. And yeah, his friends could be nicer. But it sort of seems like her reactions to him are just making it all the more fun for Alex. Is it just Adrian being hostile because of her situation? Even that seems a little overboard; I mean, wouldn't it be better if she just ignored it instead? Or maybe it would be just as an unpleasant a situation in either case?

Though I didn't really think about it in the last story, why are Karen and Lincoln getting married so suddenly? It doesn't really seem like anybody thought that they were going to... ("...secure in the knowledge she was just a temporary girlfriend...") so what gives?

Other than those two things and the fact Georgia won't be present (she was my favorite character), I do like how the story is going so far. And I really have to wonder just how much of the plot is going to change. It's going to be fun, I can tell.

1/15/2007 c2 To'xx'y
Wow, i like your updating speed.

and i like the changes so far! but get that loser Jason away from Adrian, will you?

all the Jasons i know are assholes.
1/15/2007 c2 SmartiePants924
OK... so I am very excited that you decided to do this rewrite. I hope you post again soon... I will be awaiting the next chappie. : )

1/15/2007 c2 DinaY
:) i like this, its deffo different from the the other version and thats good, because some ppl, when they write rewrites, its either the exact same thing, or they make it suckier(no offence to thoses ppl, and i dont mean specific ppl, just in general, some ppl do that..) n e wayz, i love every story you wrote. You know how some stories are considered very good when the reader in a way feels what the character does, well thats what happens when i read ur stories, i in a way feel what the character feels so my point is that your stories are good- actually very good lol, and im rambling again rnt i? i like this, i hope u update soon... and now im gonna stop talkin..:)
1/15/2007 c2 2SweetNamelessRose
Gah, I love it!

The wedding...thousands.

The dresses...hundreds.

The witty comebacks between Adrian and Alex that keep me laughing, Alex's most hilarious amigos, and the characters I've grown to love from the last story...priceless.

Some things money can buy, but for everything else, there's Myrika's fantastic writing =]
1/15/2007 c2 Jaded Romance
In the orginal story, Adrian cut her hair so does she have long hair right now and she's going to cut it later or is it already short or what? And besides her hair does she still look the same or is there any difference?

This sounds interesting so far. What made you want to rewrite it? Was there something that just gave you the inspiration or idea for these ideas?
1/15/2007 c2 JanelleMarie Allen
I've never enjoyed a rewrite as much as I have this. It's great. When I read the first version, I was surprised and amused till the end. I expect with your talent and skill, this version will be no different.

Thanks for writing.
1/15/2007 c2 Serena
Jason seems more likeable. Adrian doesn't. She's just more hot? I don't know. I hope Adrian becomes more likeable soon. T_T" I'm glad you're having fun rewriting the story again.
1/15/2007 c2 faedora
nice going. so wait, quick question. unlike the original reason and romance, everything in this version will be happening in arizona? so they'll all be on alex's home turf for the rest of the story? that's interesting x) keep up the great work! i'm already beginning to like this version better. keep up the great work!
1/15/2007 c2 jess
There were a couple spots in this chapter that were missed when you edited it...simple errors that didn't detract from the overall piece.

I love the re-write already, can't wait to read about Adrian's first day at her new school!
1/15/2007 c2 12Life Love Sanity
hm. i like it. yay keep writing (or rewriting) and posting!
1/15/2007 c2 Ice and Snow
suspense is killing me. dum dum dum. x]
1/15/2007 c2 hopelessromantic444
AWESOME CHAPTER =D i can already feel the tension between them! (sexual tension! :P)
1/15/2007 c2 5Far.abi
ugh. i just want to hit jason. maybe adrian a little too. he's so possessive and she likes hanging on to him like a rag doll. i hope she finds out his cheating ways soon. :)
1/15/2007 c2 Adurna
I'm not sure which version I like better so far. Guess we'll have to wait and see. :)

I hope Adrian and Alex don't get together too soon. He should have to chase her. I don't think she's the cheating type anyways.

I vote Adrian punches Alex or one of his friends sometime soon. Those assholes!
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