11/1/2008 c1 Advocate Reader
Please, please, please tell me the story will be back up soon.
Please, please, please tell me the story will be back up soon.
10/30/2008 c1
uh? Why are all the chapters.. um.. why don 't any of the chapters have any words?

uh? Why are all the chapters.. um.. why don 't any of the chapters have any words?
10/27/2008 c7
what is the big frickin deal? why didn't she tell her mom from the beginning that spencer was her FRIEND'S boyfriend? geeze.

what is the big frickin deal? why didn't she tell her mom from the beginning that spencer was her FRIEND'S boyfriend? geeze.
10/25/2008 c9 S
hey. this isn't so much a review as it is a
hope things are going okay
sort of thing.
just wanted to say that i hope that everything goes well for you and your family, and that we're all here for you if you ever need anything.
just say the word.
good luck and take care, okay?
hey. this isn't so much a review as it is a
hope things are going okay
sort of thing.
just wanted to say that i hope that everything goes well for you and your family, and that we're all here for you if you ever need anything.
just say the word.
good luck and take care, okay?
10/25/2008 c9
me likey past two chapters (of course the whole story...)
Mwuahahaha. Willa's dad is just creepy. over-protective really IS an understatement. FBI? LOL.
Spencer *swoon*.
update please?

me likey past two chapters (of course the whole story...)
Mwuahahaha. Willa's dad is just creepy. over-protective really IS an understatement. FBI? LOL.
Spencer *swoon*.
update please?
10/22/2008 c9 SF69
Great story!
Great story!
10/4/2008 c9
Wow! Very enjoyable. Although I'm still waiting for Spencer and Ana to break it off.
I also approve whole-heartedly of your music selection.

Wow! Very enjoyable. Although I'm still waiting for Spencer and Ana to break it off.
I also approve whole-heartedly of your music selection.
9/29/2008 c2 WithoutException
Ana's freaking out over her bio major makes me laugh. Mostly because I'm premed and a biochem major and we have to have over twice as many hours as the pre-med/biology kids.
Good story so far. :)
Ana's freaking out over her bio major makes me laugh. Mostly because I'm premed and a biochem major and we have to have over twice as many hours as the pre-med/biology kids.
Good story so far. :)
9/2/2008 c9
I know, I know. I've been a lurker for way too long and honestly, all I have to say now is...UPDATE!

I know, I know. I've been a lurker for way too long and honestly, all I have to say now is...UPDATE!
8/29/2008 c9
1Trench Coats Suck
I loved this chapter this whole story is really well written easy to read and just you know fun for a change without being completely lacking emotion it's the perfect mix I love Willa and I love spencer and I think it'll be interesting to see her brothers oh and her Dad poor spencer anyway please update asap I notice you take a while in between updates but I am dying to know what happens next so please update asap

I loved this chapter this whole story is really well written easy to read and just you know fun for a change without being completely lacking emotion it's the perfect mix I love Willa and I love spencer and I think it'll be interesting to see her brothers oh and her Dad poor spencer anyway please update asap I notice you take a while in between updates but I am dying to know what happens next so please update asap