Just In
for A Lesson In Love 101

10/20/2012 c1 Derpina96
why is there no story?! the summary seems interesting
10/8/2012 c10 7miss-life
I completly forgot about this story! Thank you so muuuch for updating! :D
I was wondering what was your LJ name so maybe I could follow you and SotE? Because I really like all of your stories and your couples and I would love to continue reading about them!

9/20/2012 c1 Lola
9/11/2012 c1 Guest
anu ba yan? walang answer?
9/3/2012 c1 Guest
um is something wrong with the story or is it my laptop cause i there's no story and i would like to read this one...
8/25/2012 c4 NavyBlueHoney
Um... what happened with this story? Might want to fix that little quirk you know.
8/9/2012 c1 2anounymouse
I loved this story:) I wish you would've finished it though...
8/8/2012 c1 Anonymous
Most of the chapters are blank, anyone know how to fix it? Great story though, keep posting!
7/25/2012 c7 jess
Chapter 7 and 8 are blank :( anyone else having this problem? I'm going crazy! I really want to keep reading, your story's amazing! Great job:)
6/27/2012 c2 Guest
grat chapter
6/10/2012 c1 16Simplegift96
I'm sorry but, um, what happened to chapter 1 & 2? I was about to read this story but chapter 1 & 2 isn't up..
6/5/2012 c10 AnimeFreak4Life
awesome i really like this fic it is well written and i can relate alot to your charcaters
6/5/2012 c10 AnimeFreak4Life
awesome i really like this fic it is well written and i can relate alot to your charcaters
1/18/2012 c10 Sam
Please update soon!
1/16/2012 c10 AbbeyXD
aw I love Spencer! :) You better update soon! ;D
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