Just In
for A Lesson In Love 101

2/4/2007 c1 1Dots Mgeez
this is great.lol. Willa and Spencer are great characters and it's evident in the first chapter. Keep on writing! I can't wait to read the next chapter.
2/4/2007 c1 11xDancingintheRainx
I liked this a lot! It was written very well and I'm looking forward to reading some more... Update soon! :)
2/4/2007 c1 Dy Serenity
Oh man, I can't believe she shoved him into a fountain! I couldn't stop laughing. I hope you work more on this soon!
2/4/2007 c1 alishkapish
w00t first reviewer!

good start...lol, anything that goes on in that head of yours is good. but ... but...*hopeful face* you ARE going to continue standing on the edge aren't you? because...because...i lubbed that story veddy veddy much...=S

again, i love you're writing style. and WYOTU is my all time favourite story.
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