Just In
for I am what i am

2/5/2007 c1 73L. Wojcik
Lovely! It's such a short, relatively simple poem, but the words are very expressive and completely true! I'm sure many of us feel like the narrator at some point(s) in our own lives. It's a very nice piece. The lasts lines, especially, "So I lay in the scenary/Behind the shining stars/And hope one day/I'll stand where they are" is wonderful. Full of unwarrped emotion. Simple, beautiful. Elegant in it's simplicity.

L. Kantenseter
2/5/2007 c1 9BlackHeartVelvet
Wow there are not many people that actually say they have never been kissed. i love the poem keep writting you have done a wonderful job.
2/5/2007 c1 7Tark
Very good. Kind of sad. And I find myself able to connect to it greatly. Especially the boyfriend part, though for me it is that of a girlfriend. Thats probably why I like this poem, I feel I could have written it myself, If I could write poetry. So keep up the good work. And good job keeping the poem flowing.

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