Just In
for Sabotage

4/17/2018 c24 Acie
I'm just so sad.. The story is amazing and Tyson was justsuch a great, enjoyable character. I'm glad I read this story
12/28/2016 c24 SailorPikaAngel
Wow! This was dark, cruel, and yet so beautifully written! Jenny was willing to go to such a dark place to avenge her brother and I was completely caught in the spell. Conley made a nice foil as he assisted her in her deviousness and yet, as he grew to care for her, as violent as he was- he cared for her and was willing to betray her beuaee he felt she was growing too dark. There were many twists like Jenny being run over, her rape, and the hit man against Justine that were surprises that I definitely did not see coming. However some things were a bit unclear- why was Danielle captured by the police? Although it was dark, it IS a tale of revenge and there was a sense of satisfaction that Jenny got her revenge. I also loved the ending about how Jenny seem to come back to life- she needed to be a dark place to do everything that was needed. However she was able to come back to life once it was completed. I also liked how she went to her brother's grave to apologize and get the closure that she needed. Thank you for this tale- I really enjoyed reading it!
11/19/2015 c18 Guest
We would be friends if we met in real life. You're clever, and interesting, and anyone who is this good at writing is someone I want to get to know.
11/19/2015 c24 SkipperCal3
This is the most twisted thing I've read yet.
Still not sure how to feel about this piece.
I love it.
I hate it.
It was bloody cryptic and clear.
Oxymoron I know!
Fuck my life.
8/31/2015 c24 OscarJLaw
also what a fantastic story.

love Jenny so 's so dark
8/31/2015 c23 OscarJLaw
Conley and Jenny are so hot
8/18/2015 c2 1ChickyGirl
I've only Jair started reading this but I already love it! Great story!
5/27/2015 c24 Sansa
I'm just open mouthed in shock at how fucking incredible that was.
I'm speechless.
5/26/2015 c2 Sansa
2 chapters in and I'm already enamoured holy shit
2/10/2015 c24 Bahati
I read this in one amazing, awesome story
1/20/2015 c24 69Shadowswept
Once I started reading this, I couldn't stop! I'm glad I didn't have to wait for updates, but I also got nothing else done. Props to you for not lightening up on your vengeful character. It's hard not to cave to the pressure to make her more likeable. This story is original, and I liked how Jenny had more on her mind than hot guys, albeit in a twisted way. Not that the guys weren't hot, because whew were they ever! Conley stands out as one of my favorite leads ever with how cool and tough he was.

I even liked her with Tom, and that's a first for me. I absolutely hate student/teacher love stories, but Tom was an exception. The love triangle here seemed inevitable, and it was very passionate. I loved the clever concept of her revenge plan in the beginning. You described it so well, and it was carried out with devious flair. As it went along though, the mayhem compounded so much and so quickly that it became unbelievable. It felt like you were rushing to finish the story, but I'd rather have a complete story than be left frustrated without an ending.

Still, the positives outweigh the flaws. The original story and magnetic characters have made it one of my favorites. Also, her love for her brother is beautifully conveyed. You mention in your notes that the end is personal, and my heart goes out to you for your pain.

Thank you a captivating story.
1/7/2014 c1 Guest
This story, was not at all what I was expecting. Especially after the first revenge. Shif really hit the fan from there. And I almost didn't finish it because the grammar was a bit annoying due to lack of character names, but I'm glad I stuck it out. Not only was this story amazing, it was unexpectedly twisted and dark. And the MC was amazing. I love it when characters are consistent yet you also have the ability to watch them grow. Then Conley was my favorite though I liked Tom too. All in all, I read it in 1 day because I couldn't stop. I really wanted to know who was which sin and how they were to be punished. This story did not disappoint me at all. I'd give it a 7.5 - for the early grammar and how gripping the story is, but I probably wouldn't read it again.
6/2/2013 c24 1illest
but i really like their relationship

i liked the original formatting (definition of sin, person and why they sinned) better than the more minimal format but hey the story was good

gave me shivers
you rock
4/18/2013 c24 10DreamsOnlyLastForTheNight
Woah, this might have been one of the most intense and fuck up stories I have read on this site...but i loved it. And I couldn't help but root for Jenny through the whole entire thing. Also, I found Conley so unbelievably hot and sexy, hahaha.
4/18/2013 c24 Dominique Diane
At first I thought she was a whore, because she sleep with Tom and Coley, but know I realised that she was only confused, she didn't really know. She was just sure of one thing: ruined the lifes of the ones who ruined her brother's.
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