Just In
for The Melody of Love

5/1/2018 c4 3ColdWinter12
This is one of my favorite stories online! I think I've reread this story so many times over the past, I think 10 years? I remember reading this story I think ever since middle school (which was wayyyyy too long ago). Haha I'm really glad that you decided to reupload the story again. I was legit going through withdrawal cause of my favorite stories on the Internet disappeared. I'm really excited for you to put up more chapters in the future! Please keep writing, and I am excited to see more chapters and future works!
10/30/2017 c4 KarasunoFan
Looking forward to the next installment:)
10/16/2017 c3 KarasunoFan
So curious to know the background on these two! Looking forward to the next chapters.
10/9/2017 c2 Guest
Oh I love it! Looking forward to more, part of me is already wishing for a sequel involving Ceri's single dad! Even the characters not fully introduced are already super engaging!
9/28/2017 c2 Toffeema
I am a new reader and so happy you decided to repost! Please continue, I would love to read your story!
9/12/2017 c1 Sayuri. J
Omg I'm so happy you're putting this back up! Remains one of my favourite stories to this day and i was so gutted to see it no longer available.
7/26/2017 c1 Sed
I wanted to read this story where'd it go
7/28/2013 c1 3phelps112
was going to reread your story and saw that you had taken it down. : if you are still sending copies my email is hlk124 yahoo dot com
2/5/2013 c29 HeadOverHeelsInHate
Awww! Love it! Eek! The story was awesome. Caden and Ceri are so cute! :P Love it!
10/3/2012 c1 timidFire
Oh my god...that was so sweet
9/29/2012 c29 2Matty Moo
That was awesome! Loved it :D
9/8/2012 c28 DA-chen1
Yeah, of course! Great end! Love it with all my heart! :-)
9/8/2012 c20 DA-chen1
Hey there! ;-)
Great writing, I've to admit! Really like your style and your characters! Ceri is a tad too naive but she is sweet and caring! Caden is wonderful, thoughtful and frustrated.. He needs his space and to move out was the best idea, I think! :-)
9/7/2012 c9 DA-chen1
Auntie Sofie is great... because she is asking... thats good, I hope...
9/7/2012 c3 DA-chen1
Really love it! C'est une belle affaire! ;-)
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