Just In
for Liberation

12/15/2007 c1 Josh
that is really good being a fellow gay i totally understand and i presonally hate wehn people use that adam and steve thing.
3/27/2007 c1 Exotic Rooftile
This is really excellent in getting your message across. Thank you for writing what I'm sure many gay/bisexual people feel.

The bits that stood out from the rest for me were: 'It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve' because its so true, and so clever. It really catches your mind. The other bit was the ending, the way it was out of rythm to the rest of the poem again snagged you to pay attention. Well done indeed!
3/19/2007 c1 6Little Monkey Child
this is really fantastic. i like the conviction, and the fact that it's not perfectly rhymed or flowing, because frankly, on a matter that you're passionately angry about, i don't think it should. one of my best friends is gay and i remember him going on a rant like this one day, so i have to applaud you for wording it so eloquently, but keeping it straight-forward and realistic. if there's any true goodness in the world, you'll be liberated soon enough.
3/15/2007 c1 183Anthony C. M. Thomas
Very beautiful poem. I highly applaud your message. It is disgusting that we in this so-called "Land of the Free" still subject her citizen's to discrimination and prejudice.

We shall overcome.
3/11/2007 c1 13herpius derpius7
I like this, and the subject of it, too.

It makes me so mad how people won't accept others just because they like a person of the same sex. It's immature and... I don't even know; it just makes me angry beyond words.

I really like this part:

"so I’ll stand up and scream,


because I have a dream"

but the ending

"and I won’t stop my Liberation fight!"

is sort of off rhythm to me, if you know what I mean..?

Overall, though, I like this a lot! (:
3/8/2007 c1 92Jazzy
VERY GOOD! I agree entirely! This is SO ridiculous! Give us our rights already! If you want i have a few poems on gay rights as well if you're interested. Keep up the fight! x Jasmine
3/8/2007 c1 174a silenced revolution
I love the feeling of anger and commitment in this, and I happen to totally agree with you on this issue. Quite well-done.

I don't quite understand "but I change in the air" tho.

Great job!

~Hazellin (formerly Isabella May Irving)

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