Just In
for Fiat Lux

8/4/2007 c1 I.M.I
I like it. So far that is.
4/30/2007 c3 46antigonelives
Basically, you win the future of the writing world. The end.
3/18/2007 c1 antigonelives
Randomly, before commenting on the work itself, congrats on the scholarship! I was awarded one, too, though not for the same university, even though I am such a bad student (I spend my classes reading Aeschylus and Shakespeare behind the professors' backs, so yeah, I was a bit surprised XD).

Sorry for the ramble. O.o

Anyway, the first line is really catchy, and, ironically, it's freakily similar to the opening line of a story I started yesterday. This is so pained and truly a prayer; "Though I am a sinner, and tremble like a shadow in your light, I have no choice but to trust in your mercy and your everlasting love" is my favourite line, also a great way to close the chapter.

3/18/2007 c1 105Maggot Blood
I'm sorry I got through half of it and I could not go any farther, God is just not in me to love, but it shows alot of promise if someone dose believe in God so it was good if someone loves God and again I am sorry I could not finish it.

3/18/2007 c2 Orual
Hmm. I cannot say that I am entirely sure what this means, though a parable. I like that the adviser was not an evil, despotic ruler. I found that indicative of how a person can stray from the correct path and still appear to be doing the right things. Outward holiness, so to speak. I'll have to think about it, I guess.
3/18/2007 c1 Orual
Poetic. Sincere. Emotional. To be honest, this was the sort of piece that's rather uncomfortable for the reader because it is so personal. Nevertheless, I think it is a very good piece to begin with because this is where we all are: stuck in the mud in need of help and reluctant to accept help. This will be an interesting collection, I can tell.

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