Just In
for I've Always Wanted to Date a Rockstar

7/29/2010 c3 Vampireacademyrox
love it plz ud soon :D
3/7/2008 c3 rathina
i love this story!
9/11/2007 c6 10A Different Kind of Yellow
well come on then, loving this one too :D
8/28/2007 c1 DreamlessInfinity
The first line is a little…cliché. If you take out the ‘change my life forever’ part, it might work better.

In the first paragraph you have ‘snapping me out of my daze’. What daze? You only say that she’s passing cars. Maybe you could have her daydream about how fast they go since she’s a racer? I don’t know…

It seems so surreal, although I guess there isn’t much you could do about that, but having Trent and Conner pretend she’s their girlfriend is weird. You might want to have Trent escort her out.

Other than that, this seems like a really good start. I read High School Drama, but since it only goes up to Chapter 6, decided to check out your other stories.

8/27/2007 c6 3Michelle Richard
I liked the story when I first started reading it but I'm looking forward to a re-write. Let me know when you have posted the re-write. I can't wait to read more.
8/25/2007 c6 5clair-a-net
sounds good to me

though i like the style as is, which means its going to get even better
8/25/2007 c6 Nightlove
this story is amazing! i cant imagine your writing being better, cause your amazing. dont give up on any of your stories, cause i'll always be here waiting to read your next one. and i doubt that i'll be the only wating.
8/25/2007 c6 6MelGrl
Please update soon!
5/22/2007 c5 black ennui
i'm pretty sad to see that she and conner won't give a relationship a shot... but do i see something brewing between her and tre? but allie likes him!

i'll just hafta read to find out.


keep updating!
5/18/2007 c5 1LiL PiNk 9o
so i totally think that ally and jason would be cute together

are you gonna do that

oh let me guess

"i will just have to wait and see right"


oh well

so am really liking this


5/18/2007 c5 4TopazEyes1992
I totally love where this story is going. Unfortunately, I didn't read it the first time. It might have been great for all I know. Well, keep it up!
5/18/2007 c1 2A-through-Z
Hey, I really like your story so far. Maybe one thing though, not to be mean, it maybe seemed a little rushed. she started out not liking them at all and then at the end of the chapter she was kissing him. Maybe it's just me. Please, don't take this in a negative way! Great story so far though, on to the next chapter!
5/18/2007 c1 3emotionless-stares
wow..the guys are pretty cool
5/18/2007 c5 5clair-a-net
good stuff. Well glad that matt character is out of the way. Why is tre so cold. You know he like her, but doesnt say anything, where as conner is just the opposite. can wait to here abotu the race. hope she wins.
5/18/2007 c5 1Gracefully Clumsy
lol Trent cracks me up!

Dani and Tre are so cute with the "fighting cause we won't admit we like each other" thing- haha been there.

I got excited when you updated cause I was checking back a lot these past couple of weeks, and I love it!

Can't wait for the next chapter!

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