Just In
for Opening Night

4/27/2007 c1 109ADSpencer
Nice work. Descriptive poetry is sometimes hard to do but this works really well. Oh, but you forgot to mention me-girl with an oversized purse full of pre-bought snacks she's sneaking in. Anyhow, keep up the great writing.
3/20/2007 c1 kayttea
Omgsh you're alive! :D anyways,I LOVE this poem so much. It's just cool, I've never read a poem about going to see a movie before. I'm not sure bags of popcorn are that heavy tho... the balancing drinks part is good. . I always am afraid I'm gonna drop mine and it'll like roll all the way down or something and they'll kick me out. heehee. AWESOME poem tho, I really do like it.


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