Just In
for Kneecap the Devil

6/14/2011 c2 7smurf-love
omg i love it sooo much. i cant wait to see how the scene plays out, but i know i probably wont since you haven't written anything in such a long time. but i just wanted to say i love it
12/27/2007 c2 1The Wolfdemon of fire
lol i love chole she's awesome.Update soon
6/14/2007 c2 4ScrazyMuffin

is the best.

She screws him in front of a bunch of vampires?

Haha, that girl has my heart right now, she's a riot XP
6/14/2007 c1 ScrazyMuffin
I’m at least three years older than you, ya scrawny little prison bitch!”

HA HA HA! :D That just made my night, thanks for that...

I love Chloe already, I read her parts out loud, her accent is awesome :D and the fact that she can pack a punch...

Oh Valentine, you should be scared!
6/14/2007 c2 atreyu love
haha. and im kinda getting used to the way she talks now, update!
6/14/2007 c1 atreyu love
well, it sounds pretty interesting :D
6/13/2007 c2 1BR
This is so cute!

*Rolls on the floor with laughter*

6/12/2007 c2 9Lerene
I love Choe, she's so firey. I also love Val. It great.
6/11/2007 c1 Lerene
completely loved it. It's a great idea and you should continue it. If you don't I'll be sad.
4/13/2007 c1 6Silania
Please continue! I'm in love with this! I like your writing and it's amusing as well.

3/22/2007 c1 meme
Haha, how it should be. Hilarious and excellent.
3/21/2007 c1 1BR
Love it!

A good, well written chapter with the right dose of humour and detail. Very very promising =]

Can't wait for more.


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