Just In
for Better Than My Brother

7/16/2010 c1 11R. Tist
A gender-blender! A funny gender-blender! A funny awesome gender-blender! XD Yey! And it sounds like it's gonna be lots of fun, too. Update soon. :"3
12/3/2008 c1 JadeDream
hmm i dont know if your gonna updat this but i hope so! i really liked this first chapter
5/4/2007 c1 1LoveRehab
I like how you explain the reasoning and the past of Alanna's brother. I thought this first chapter was a good starter, although the scenes switch really fast. But I really like it. Your plot immediately drew me in. The idea of rival gangs sounds awesome.
3/31/2007 c1 3I Quoth Nevermore
Ooh. This sounds great. Please update!
3/26/2007 c1 unconnected14
You're off to a great start. Update soon.
3/25/2007 c1 rocky19
i really like this, can't wait for an update!
3/23/2007 c1 Blueberry Sparkle
Ooh, I love stories like these! Please update!
3/22/2007 c1 4soccerbabe16
LOL, love it :) This story is so awesome and there's only one chapter! hope you update soon.
3/22/2007 c1 Preethy
I love itt!

Update soon please.

=) Preethy Birk

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