Just In
for Rocked Like Me

1/30/2011 c31 AnywhereYouGo
This story was so funny! :) Congrats!
1/29/2011 c31 3V.C.Kazz
if i wasnt lazy id have reviewed your previous chapter (sorry bout that) but i have to give it to you, this was hilarious and i love it. i LOVED jay lol i'm glad he was a dick up until the end lol. woo! great story :)
1/29/2011 c31 leavemeialone
Ah . . . it took me some time to actually finish this story. I really like this story. I love how Kara is so freakin' amazing, with the amount of knowledge and facts that she knows. Very interesting, I definitely can't remember that. Finally, she actually admits her feeling for Jay. I'm not surprised that she freaked out. I just wanted to say that this was a very very awesome story and to keep up the awesome, good work. :)
1/17/2011 c31 3charmedblush
This story was so cool!
1/12/2011 c31 2mandy96
OHMIGOSH! SO GOD. I didn't review until last chap cos' i'm that kinda person-sorry-but it was so amazing
1/2/2011 c31 2akaCHEEKS
Haha. She is so god damn stubborn. But I love her all the more for it! I love how you portrayed her as this really quirky but very intelligent girl and her thoughts and everything else she says portrays just that. It's perfect! And I was wondering, did you ever have Erin and Burr's story up here? I'm not sure if I was just hallucinating at the time but I could have sworn they had their own story written up. This is my second time reading this story because I remember reading it before but never finishing it and now I did! Great ending.
12/31/2010 c31 bactrulus
hahaha i love the last sentence! at first i thought that wou would have a very cliche ending, but this is a really good ending :D
12/28/2010 c31 crissy19
loved the story
12/21/2010 c13 akaCHEEKS
Jezebel Trina ven der Vilson. Sounds like Serena van der Woodsen. Do you watch Gossip Girl?
12/20/2010 c31 awesome story
awesome...but took a long time for kara to feel anyything...the ending...not so good

the rest was great!
12/14/2010 c31 2BeetrootIsPink
as soon as i first read it, i couldnt stop.

it was fantastic!

i really loved it...
12/8/2010 c31 13youngin-matomon
I love this story only because of Jay. He is the only character that is actually incredibly original and likeable (no offense) and I lOve him times 40! and more.

This story is pretty good, but my favourite chapter is the last chapter. Yes, you heard (err saw?) right. THE LAST CHAPTER THE EPILOGUE IS MY FAVOURITE. You are an awesome writer, maybe you're writing isn't captivating as some but still, you kick ass!

I REALLY want to go on and on about Jay but since I'll just bore you, I won't. (See what a good person I am? xD)

Okay, is that all? Hm...yep. that's it.



Please read and review my stories

12/2/2010 c1 yentongs
one of the best stories here in FP. i'm not kidding. i had so much fun reading this, i was laughing the whole time. and gosh it's so sweet! i love the characters. i love the way you write. i love this story. nuf sed. thank God for people like you :)
11/29/2010 c31 witeaya
kara and jay rock!

i like the interestingly different plot.yeah, it was cliche at some points but a good sort.

and this story gave me lil view bout nz that i never knew. love it!
11/28/2010 c12 ColourCascade
Oh oh um I would absolutely want to be stuck in an elevator with BURR, cos at the moment i think he's my fav character... i think, that is. And i think i would be the one to know what i think wouldnt i? Wouldn't I? *sigh* i would love to meet Burr...
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