Just In
for Rocked Like Me

11/26/2010 c31 1WickedSauce
I lurved it! Eep, it was so good!

Your sense of humor is awesome and I LOVE IT! Sorry I can't come up with any better adjectives, but it's been a long week. A very long week...

Anyway, write a sequel! (Unless you already have. If that is, in fact, the case, disregard all that was said prior to "a very long week".)
11/25/2010 c12 Ryhona
1. kara probably. she's the only one i can relate to...plus i'd learn so much more stuff than i do in school. yeah...i'm a nerd.

2. um...no idea, i love em all

3. ARE YOU KIDDING? i was waiting in line at 1 am in the morning to buy that shit! (half-way through it on the ride home-hah!)
11/22/2010 c31 1SecretRose88
Haha! I love it! I knew that as soon as the dude wolf whistled she was going to throw a rock at him! I was cracking up :)
11/20/2010 c2 13youngin-matomon
WHOA. SUPER WHOA. I am already in love with this. OH MY GOD. xD I am speechless darling xD
11/20/2010 c1 youngin-matomon
This is so... weird. THat's all i'm saying for now
11/6/2010 c1 1jessixa
I couldn't go on after the first paragraph due to your gross misuse of commas. One day when I'm feeling a little more open to technical errors I'll try again, I hear it's a really great story!
10/29/2010 c31 1tico.berries
Aw,, this is one of the best stories I've ever read! =)
10/25/2010 c1 3Mitchie
10th review

10/25/2010 c31 Mitchie
This story was awesome. Seriously, why can't these types of situations play out in real life? Great job tying in the ending with the beginning (er... did that make sense?)

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story.
10/21/2010 c31 2The Weatherwitch

i loved this all the way through, well done! :D
10/16/2010 c31 urthemusicinme
your story is hopelessly adorable :)

LOVE IT! and i also learn heaps of random facts!
10/9/2010 c10 2tifferz92413
I don't know about everyone else.. but i like burr alot more than Jay and Will combined. I know nothing is going to happen between them though :( This is a really great story and I can't wait to finish reading it.
10/5/2010 c31 melybee
I absolutely loved this story. :D

It was funny and cute. c:

It's definitely one of my favorites
10/4/2010 c31 1AnnabelLloyd97
this story is absolutley amazing. I loved how you linked the end with the beginning with the rock thrown at the car. I wish this story didn't have to end but oh well.
10/4/2010 c31 2InnocentSarcasm

that mad me laugh soo hard my friends thought i was a NUTCASE


blah hard to admit but Kara was a lot like me

including the mom who could make hitler cry like a baby

real fun reading this story

please tell me you are going to write more stories !
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