Just In
for Rocked Like Me

10/2/2010 c15 1AnnabelLloyd97
Just to let you know, I loved the fight scene too.
9/28/2010 c31 1The-Angel-Illusion
YES! Amazing ending. Wow. It took me a really long time to read that with all the homework I have had, but god was it worth it. Love love love love love the story. Kara is AMAZING! She is my hero. Yay.
9/26/2010 c4 2pretitiful
I really like Burr. I think its his constant one word responses.
9/25/2010 c31 Hemii25
I don't say this often, but I wish I could see this in a hard copy on my shelf or something so I could go back and read my favorite parts when the feeling moves me. GAH, this was EPIC! I love you for being born and writing this.
8/29/2010 c10 gemini613
I really love this story so far. It reminds me of the story hiring a hooligan with her blurting of random facts and inability to understand certain things. I love burr! He's awesome. Can't wait to keep reading.
8/29/2010 c31 candykillz
I love the ending. This is an entertaining read. Hah. Kara is so funny and Jay is smart, they go well together even if they always fight.
8/28/2010 c1 SquakyTheDuck
Though i love this story,

I find it strange that you have the same exact plot line of the movie 100 days with mr arrogant, which is a korean movie... Though i'm not saying you copied it but it's Almost the SAME!

Btw, this is just to inform you.
8/18/2010 c31 Mandyg
I absolutely freaking loved this story.

You should realy have it turn into a movie.

I will come help, honest...

Kara...kara...kara... my kind a girl and jay...yep to yummy even with arrogance and all.
8/9/2010 c1 4HighOnBrokenWings
It's funny, because to be able to write this, I'm sure a person can't be entirely sane themselves...just saying. You have a brilliant imagination.

"I probably should be apologising, after all, I did throw the rock at the pretty eyed guy's overpriced vehicle. Hitting his windscreen and causing considerable damage but in my defence, I was totally aiming for the open passenger-side window in which the blond guy had been catcalling out of." LOVED THAT!

I also love that you're spelling things right. With S's.

"Jay replied, look I'm on a first name basis with the guy who's going to kill me! Mum would be so proud. "

I really like what you did there, you took the whole thing where people who don't know a character suddenly start referring to people by their new found first names and gave it a reason.

"I sent her a cold smile that could only have been interpreted as, 'You wanted crazy, well Crazy's here and she ain't leaving.'"

Freaking brilliant line!

I'm sure you realise I like it ;D
8/8/2010 c18 Ellovember
Okay, this is going to sound so pervy of me, but I could barely read the serious second half of the chapter after you put the line about chewing on rubbers (erasers) because here in America that's what we call condoms sometimes and I'm going on a serious lack of sleep, so pretty much everything is setting me off laughing, and that did it as well.

I love this story, its pretty freaking funny. I always wonder where you get all these random bits of information. Is this stuff you already know or do you look things up online as you write?

From the posted date, I know I'm way behind schedule reviewing, but whatev.
8/6/2010 c31 1Thisway-Thatway
LOVED IT! Had me laughing the whole way through! Nice twist at the ball. Didn't expect that :D
7/24/2010 c31 lipsalldevilred

But what does she taste like? lol
7/23/2010 c13 lipsalldevilred
The dialogue in this chapter is amazing!

It's so real and quirky! Great job.
7/23/2010 c12 lipsalldevilred
"the smell was… salivational!"

Haha LOVE it!
7/16/2010 c29 let.this.go
Where is this alt ending? are you still planning on writing it?
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