Just In
for Rocked Like Me

4/17/2010 c1 3ryse
ahh new zealand.

apparently that place is beautiful (i live in sydney)

sounds good thus far.
4/6/2010 c31 Aradia Cloud
LOL. She threw a rock at the bugger. I like this story. Alot. It made me hoot. Not laugh; freakin HOOT. Not many stories can make me do that.

Well done story.

$*Aradia Cloud*$
4/6/2010 c29 Aradia Cloud
Ah, hell. Things are all messed up. I feel sorry for Jay and Kara needs to admit her feelings to herself and Jacob. This is pissin me off.


4/6/2010 c25 Aradia Cloud
4/6/2010 c23 Aradia Cloud
I bet he didn't even push her.
4/6/2010 c14 Aradia Cloud
Whoa! They kissed!
4/6/2010 c11 Aradia Cloud
It's Jay, isn't it?
4/6/2010 c10 Aradia Cloud
Oh, I like Burr... ALOT. He's sweet. But right now my feelings for him are platonic. We'll see how it rides along the way, though.
4/6/2010 c9 Aradia Cloud
Erica is gonna cause some problems.
4/5/2010 c4 Aradia Cloud
I like Kara. OH GOD! She's so Kooky! LOL. She makes me laugh.

"The Egg came first. Remember that for future reference kids."

LOL... Can anyone say random?
3/20/2010 c31 13IFightWithInk
That. Was. Amazing. I must say I think a book is lovely when it makes me crack up, makes me go 'aw,' and makes me learn a bunch of random facts at the same time.

... oh and makes me feel like throwing rocks at things isn't a bad...
3/7/2010 c31 3JRyder Chickadee
the ending of this story was stupendous!

i'm such a sucker for those stories that basically just end the same way they start...

anyway, congrats! you are a fabulous writer.
3/6/2010 c1 Juliet
Hello, there. It's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo. Your story has been inducted onto the site. Here's your raving review.

This one is most definitely a hilarious tale of a naive girl who turns her life into a dramatic ride. The lines keep the reader laughing, and the main character, Kara, has her silly way of looking at life.



2/20/2010 c31 8mykes
Hey, this was amazing. Gah, really amazing. I LOVE your characters. Seriously, and I personally think that Kara is as lucky as hell. Surrounded by all those hot people. Lol. I love your other stories as well.
2/14/2010 c31 MoManiac
OhMyDaisy that was amazing! I absolutely posututely loove stories with abnoxious female protaganists! Kara is amazing
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