Just In
for Rocked Like Me

2/14/2010 c28 Momaniac
Ahahha that fact is on my shampoo bottle! The pants one
2/11/2010 c31 3to fall or to jump
OMG! I love this story it's so awesome! I love Kara! She's so funny! and I love all the drama and stories of the different people it all just fits! I absolutely LOVE the ending!
2/11/2010 c31 pumba
OMG! This story made me laugh, mad and just annoyed lol

I love it to pieces! If it were a book I'd buy the thing!

I think I've read it 4 times now. You did a great job, I love everything about it. Keep writing more i enjoy reading your stuff. =)
2/7/2010 c31 2jessie0754
! That ending was just PERFECT :D

She was hilarious, and you know what? I realised that Jay and Kara was perfect as soon as they had their first facts war. In a way, Kara kind of reminds me of the girl from "Hiring a Hooligan" (and she was one of my ABSOLUTE favourite characters on FP!)

And hey! I'm Australian (but I won't take any offence-and I love Flight of the Conchords!)

So yeah, basically, I loved it :)
2/3/2010 c31 Buhbyesuckers
finally found your story! love it!
1/30/2010 c16 WithEveryReason
I'm in love with your story.

1/29/2010 c5 darkredcrystal
You are a God...I love your writing!
1/29/2010 c31 1storiesrock
wow this story is soo cute...i love kara's random blabbering...i didnt really like Will's parts that much, but Jay's parts made up for it lol
1/3/2010 c31 tanktutu
It was pure awesomeness. I really loved it. Nice ending :) Does this mean Kara ends up with the random guy who was calling out? tehehehe, just kidding. Jay and Kara were MEANT to be. I loved all your characters, and although I knew the end result would be Kara + Jay, you crafted your story in this way that just made me want to read on. I think it's perfectly ok that I knew what the result would be but the reason it was so good was because I didnt EXACTLY know the how. Sorry if that made absolutely no sense =D It was well worth the read. Keep writing your awesome stuff. Thankyou =]


12/27/2009 c31 Taylorlover


12/23/2009 c31 Kelseyy
you're so good!

i havnt reviewed before now coz i wanted to finish reading first but i loved your story! i havnt been able to put my laptop down since my friend gave me the link..

haha i love kara! very cool :P

her and jay are such a cute couple.. although a slightly odd pair ;)

thanks so much for writing this story,, now i guess i will just hve to read your other ones as well (:

thanks, xx
12/17/2009 c31 oreo101
oh my gosh! I cant believe the story ended. When I first saw this story I thought this is going to take forever to finish reading, but time flied by! I really liked the ending. I thought it was really cute. I thought that they were an adorable couple even though sometimes they act like they hate each other, but you can tell they really adore each other. Good work!
11/24/2009 c31 6ithinkyourgay
hey this story is AWESOME

the ending is funny starts back to how it began. thats clever.
11/18/2009 c31 5I Murder on Impulse
Hahaha fantastic story!


11/13/2009 c1 6ithinkyourgay
oh kara sounds interesting. so random!
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