Just In
for Rocked Like Me

6/15/2014 c31 random
Kara's nuts. Burr should have been more present.
6/14/2014 c4 random
Burr is awesome. And Kara is hilarious. I hope she doesn't end up with the douche; it'd be way too cliche.
2/4/2014 c31 HowlingAtTheSun
Are you implying another guy wants to "kill" her?
1/20/2014 c18 Ayame Yoshida
I love Kara!
1/20/2014 c15 Ayame Yoshida
For Jay's name did you just take Jacob Black's and Edward Cullen's first names and put them together?
1/20/2014 c14 Ayame Yoshida
I love Fluorescent Adolescent and the Artic Monkeys in general. When I read that part I had to go listen to it! And I like the Twilight Zone too! This is an awesome story by the by. I really like Kara, she's like the anti- Mary Sue and a Mary Sue all at the same time.
11/15/2013 c31 Vikky
Honestly, dis author rocks. I love dis story; very hilarious and entertaining considering d fact dat d characters are interesting, d random facts nd all dat, all I hav to say is...WOW! Welldone
10/16/2013 c17 moi
can I just say, though I like the story, the oh so casual gay bashing is really difficult and frustrating to read...
9/29/2013 c7 Guest
heeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I am laughing so hard, I can barely type out this review. I can't express how hilarious this is.
8/20/2013 c17 Guest
Aww too cute!
8/15/2013 c4 2awaitingthedawn
Where does he get the food from?! They should have guys like him who can produce food out of nowhere in my school too!
8/15/2013 c1 awaitingthedawn
I love Burr! He's awesome! I wanna Twinkie too!
8/15/2013 c17 awaitingthedawn
Burr spoke two long sentences! Or was it one?
8/15/2013 c16 awaitingthedawn
Burr has spoken four words in a row! *Gasp. Dies of laughter* I couldn't stop laughing, and my sister was all "MWAHAHAHA-hehehehehGYAHAHAHA!" behind me. Don't ask.
8/15/2013 c13 awaitingthedawn
I can't accept it either! I GET NO BUTTER CHICKEN! No Burr? You suck
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