2/3/2013 c2 yay
That seems like an odd friendship, but an interesting one.
That seems like an odd friendship, but an interesting one.
2/3/2013 c1 yay
Well, that's one way to handle that situation.
Well, that's one way to handle that situation.
2/2/2013 c12
Okay, For the first question, I would be happiest stuck in an elevator with Burr. He's awesome. Second question, kill of eitherJess or Jay. Both extremely annoying. Third question, 'course I've read Deathly Hallows. In like the fifth grade. Read the whole series like three times. And this wasn't one of your questions, but she should end up with Deacon. Even though you've already finished the story, I figured I should say it.

Okay, For the first question, I would be happiest stuck in an elevator with Burr. He's awesome. Second question, kill of eitherJess or Jay. Both extremely annoying. Third question, 'course I've read Deathly Hallows. In like the fifth grade. Read the whole series like three times. And this wasn't one of your questions, but she should end up with Deacon. Even though you've already finished the story, I figured I should say it.
1/15/2013 c31
9Noir Schist
Just wanted to say that even though all the typos and grammar slip-ups were... very hard to ignore, I still immensely enjoyed the story. Kara Mina Hunt is definitely one of my favourite characters, ever. How did you make her character flaw so smoothly? Every action she does, every random fact she spouts, it's so in line with her character. Oh, and the chemistry between her and Jay? Amazing, right from the beginning. I am in no way trying to, um, hate on you or anything, just trying to give some constructive criticism here: You COULD have elaborated some more on other aspects of the story, and the typos and messy organisation took out a good chunk of enjoyment for me. But no worries, not a big enough chunk. I finally read a romance where the characters RETAINED their original selves after hooking up, STILL going through character developments, and not turn into gooey, mushy, sappy idiots I feel that it would do the story an injustice if I didn't leave a review and didn't add it to my favourites, so here I am (: (Seriously tho. KARA. I wish she was real, haha!)

Just wanted to say that even though all the typos and grammar slip-ups were... very hard to ignore, I still immensely enjoyed the story. Kara Mina Hunt is definitely one of my favourite characters, ever. How did you make her character flaw so smoothly? Every action she does, every random fact she spouts, it's so in line with her character. Oh, and the chemistry between her and Jay? Amazing, right from the beginning. I am in no way trying to, um, hate on you or anything, just trying to give some constructive criticism here: You COULD have elaborated some more on other aspects of the story, and the typos and messy organisation took out a good chunk of enjoyment for me. But no worries, not a big enough chunk. I finally read a romance where the characters RETAINED their original selves after hooking up, STILL going through character developments, and not turn into gooey, mushy, sappy idiots I feel that it would do the story an injustice if I didn't leave a review and didn't add it to my favourites, so here I am (: (Seriously tho. KARA. I wish she was real, haha!)
1/9/2013 c31 Lapin
Well, that was FANTASTIC! I loved Kara's weirdness and that Jay could match her in knowledge of random facts!
Well, that was FANTASTIC! I loved Kara's weirdness and that Jay could match her in knowledge of random facts!
12/11/2012 c31
whew, I read everything in 2 days (or less). I liked the plot. It's simple yet with a few surprises (like the part where Kara participated in the bet). The characters have minds of their own, you successfully written them out. I think I like the part about Jay's POV coz it kinda gave him depth and a different perspective. But I don't get the part about Will's POV coz it kinda confused me, it made me feel that since he's got pov why not add, Jess's as well? With Jay, I get it coz he's Kara's opposite. I liked that you included your characters all through out the story coz there are some writers who introduces characters but doesn't really utilize them that well. So I'm glad you stuck with everybody.
I appreciate the fact that each chapter is long due to different situations rather than one scene per chapter (- this one makes me feel like the chapters are being abused to make the story longer than it seems, the more chapter, the longer the story)
Though the trouble is, it's full of side comments (and I don't mean the intelligent outbursts). At first it was ok, but the more I read it, it's tiring. I understand that sometimes it just flows out but keep in mind that too much words can kill it. It even came to a point when I wanted to stop coz the comments from Kara was just too much and it's making me lose focus on what's really at hand.
Anyway. It's a good story. Nice plot. Great characters. Keep writing. )

whew, I read everything in 2 days (or less). I liked the plot. It's simple yet with a few surprises (like the part where Kara participated in the bet). The characters have minds of their own, you successfully written them out. I think I like the part about Jay's POV coz it kinda gave him depth and a different perspective. But I don't get the part about Will's POV coz it kinda confused me, it made me feel that since he's got pov why not add, Jess's as well? With Jay, I get it coz he's Kara's opposite. I liked that you included your characters all through out the story coz there are some writers who introduces characters but doesn't really utilize them that well. So I'm glad you stuck with everybody.
I appreciate the fact that each chapter is long due to different situations rather than one scene per chapter (- this one makes me feel like the chapters are being abused to make the story longer than it seems, the more chapter, the longer the story)
Though the trouble is, it's full of side comments (and I don't mean the intelligent outbursts). At first it was ok, but the more I read it, it's tiring. I understand that sometimes it just flows out but keep in mind that too much words can kill it. It even came to a point when I wanted to stop coz the comments from Kara was just too much and it's making me lose focus on what's really at hand.
Anyway. It's a good story. Nice plot. Great characters. Keep writing. )
11/24/2012 c31 Alex
I really loved this story *sniff* it's *sniff* to bad it's over. TT_TT
This story - to me at least - is better than some of the books I've read. According to me this is in my favorites and I've never but a book that doesn't deserve it in my favorites. To me this is a great story. Thank you for writing this, because my life is being really crappy to me and I needed a good laugh. :)
Thank You.
I really loved this story *sniff* it's *sniff* to bad it's over. TT_TT
This story - to me at least - is better than some of the books I've read. According to me this is in my favorites and I've never but a book that doesn't deserve it in my favorites. To me this is a great story. Thank you for writing this, because my life is being really crappy to me and I needed a good laugh. :)
Thank You.
11/23/2012 c8 Alex
Jay! Jay please!
Jay! Jay please!
11/14/2012 c31 Elsa
Hello! It was a really nice story to read! I enjoyed it very much and read it all in few days. Sorry though I understand english I can't write it properly. But I wanted to say thanks and to congratulate you on the characters, they were so fun and like every body I think, I was a big fan of Burr :) And also I wanted to say that I was glad to learn, not about The Facts since I don't think I will remember any (it would be so cool though I so wish I had a good memory!) but about NZ culture. It was only little bits you manage to include but it was really instructive haha! Coming from the country who decapitate their king (YAY FOR US), NZ is very very far away and I was no idea there was such a difference between islander and "white" people (and I didn't know the weather was so terrible!), I think I'm gonna try and look for more information now that I'm done with the story (or else, I will read your other stories and then forget about learning useful facts...)
Hello! It was a really nice story to read! I enjoyed it very much and read it all in few days. Sorry though I understand english I can't write it properly. But I wanted to say thanks and to congratulate you on the characters, they were so fun and like every body I think, I was a big fan of Burr :) And also I wanted to say that I was glad to learn, not about The Facts since I don't think I will remember any (it would be so cool though I so wish I had a good memory!) but about NZ culture. It was only little bits you manage to include but it was really instructive haha! Coming from the country who decapitate their king (YAY FOR US), NZ is very very far away and I was no idea there was such a difference between islander and "white" people (and I didn't know the weather was so terrible!), I think I'm gonna try and look for more information now that I'm done with the story (or else, I will read your other stories and then forget about learning useful facts...)